Chapter 3

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I lay down on my bed and waited till the reaping. Staring at the wall hoping the reaping will come sooner. I hear the gong ring, calling us to the reaping. I walk out of my bedroom passing my mom and Willow not even looking at them. As I'm walking to the reaping Cato catches up with me.

"Are you going to volunteer?" He asked me.

"Only if I need to, you?" I asked.  

"Same." He said. 

We walked to the sign-in area and once we're done. I went to go stand over by the 15-year-old girls.

I saw Cato over by the 16-year-old boys.

We were mouthing jokes with each other. Then finally our District escort. Pearl. Came out onto the stage. 

'Welcome, welcome, welcome, welcome," She said with her annoying Capitol voice, "Happy Hunger Games, and may the odds be ever in your favor." 

She made us watch this small little cheezy Capitol video. Then finally the scary part started.

"Ladies first," She walked over to the ladies bowl and reached her hand in. She got the little slip of paper and opened it up. "Willow Sevina". 

How? Did I hear her correctly?  Willow is 12 and she'll die in the arena. I know I could die but hopefully, my mom doesn't hate me after this. "I volunteer as tribute!" I yell. Everyone looks at me with some sort of sympathy. Even Olivia. I look over at Cato and he mouthed to me, "I'm sorry, but I have to," he's started to move forward. He's going to volunteer. I go up on stage and get a small little quick interview with Pearl. Then she walks over to the boys bowl. She pulled out a name, but before she could read it.

"I volunteer!" Cato yelled. 

I wanted to start crying but I can't show weakness. Pearl makes us shake hands.

"May I present you the tributes from District 2, Clove Sevina and Cato Hadley! Give them a big round of applause. " She says.

District 2 applause us. They all know Cato will come back and I'll die. Cato is way taller than me, he's more muscular. Of course, he's going to win. 

Peacekeepers take us back into 2 separate rooms. To say our goodbyes to the family. Willow and Joanne come in by my mom don't. She, for sure hates me. 

"Try to win," Willow said while crying.

"I will okay," I said.

I go over to Joanne and hug her. "Please take care of Willow and my mom and tell my mom I love her okay?" I said.

"Okay," she said. 

I hug Joanne and Willow tightly and tell them I love them. 

The peacekeepers take them away. I cry. What if I end up like Kate. I can't end up like her. If I pass away, Willow will only have my mom. She'll give up and put Willow up for adoption. After about a minute I'm taken to the train. Cato comes a minute later. For sure everyone wanted to wish him luck. He's Cato. I am taken to my room and have an hour before dinner. In an hour I'll meet my mentors. Hopefully Lyme or Enobaria. They are both my favourite victors from District 2 who are still alive. 

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