I'm sorry W H A T

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*inhales* Oh boi. So I've read the AvA wiki and Tvtropes, and I just... why...

Tvtropes is asking whether the animator or the sticks are the villain, goes as far as to say that he didn't intend to kill the stick the he NAMED VICTIM and started attacking just a gas seconds after he made him/her

AvA is NOT a "who's wrong, who's right?" story with the only debatable exception being AvA IV. If it weren't for Second's and Chosen's connection and the conversation at the beginning of AvA IV, I probably would headcanon that the animator was two separate people. I know how dumb it is to get this fired up over stick figures, but really? Are y'all crazy?

The wiki calls Second the, and I quote: "The main antagonist of AvA IV"

While there is a (weak in my opinion) argument to be made for calling Chosen a villain, Second was trying to HIDE from the animator and ONLY stared attacking after he thought the animator KILLED THE ONLY FRIENDS HE/SHE'S EVER HAD

There's is no logical argument I can think of for calling Second a villain

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