This cute trope

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(Person) finding their S/O in their clothes

Red and Purple

-Red's the tallest one here, (excluding TSC, TCO, and TDL) and Purple's the smallest (excluding Vira)

-Purple's hands barely went past where Red's elbows would be

-"Hey, Purple have you seen my jacke-"


-O H

-"Aww, look so cute!"


-Yes you do Purple

-Purple doesn't have many coats and all of his clothes are way too small for Purple so no Purple finding Red in his clothes

-Such is the life of a dwarf dating a giant

-But Red let him keep that jacket tho

-You will pry that jacket out of Purple's cold, dead arms

Blue and Green

-They're around the same size, so they'll actually share clothes a lot

-There are occasions where have stolen each other's clothes

-"hey Green have you seen my ho..."

-Cuts to Green fast asleep hugging himself in Blue's hoodie

-Cuts back to Blue with a nosebleed

-"it's fine. you can keep it."

-*uno reverse card*

-"Hey Blue have you seen my... jack... et...?"

Cuts to Blue in a tank top and Green's jacket

-Green wants to say something but he's speechless

-"Do... do you what it bac-"

-"No! I mean- you can keep it if you want it!"

-Now they both have something in their closet that was originally the other's

Yellow and Virabot

-Yellow let Vira borrow one of his coats if she promised to give it back

-She agreed and get the coat

-10 minutes later she was sitting in her room like a gremlin clutching the coat in her arms

-"I'm NEVER gonna give this back!"

-Yellow eventually went to her room to ask for it back

-But Vira had gotten over the gremlin stage and was back to her normal self

-"Hey Vira can I have..."

-Cut to Vira wearing his coat turning her head to him being all cute

-Oh shet



-"... never mind."

-Vira would give him something in return but she's smol

-Touch the coat and D I E

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