More prompts (fluff addition)

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A worried Second treating a reluctant Chosen's wounds after a battle

Chosen practically (or literary) dragging a sleep deprived Second away from his sketchbook and into bed (begone thots)

Angst bonus: This reminds Chosen of dragging Dark out of her/his workshop

Pre-Flashbacks Dark is sick and pre-Flashbacks Chosen is the only person he/her can trust to take care of her/him

Second taking care of a sick Chosen

Chosen taking care of a sick Second

Purple is a sad boi/gurl and needs a hug, the squad delivers

Dark protective of (insert person you ship Dark with here)

An AU where Chosen talks Dark out of attacking Alan's pc and instead of scraping the Virus, Dark decides to raise her/him as her/his child as Chosen has a panic attack because now there's two murder idiots running around that's he's/she's gotta keep alive

Good!Dark and Yellow bonding over technology (tech team)

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