I'm concerned about myself so fluff I guess

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AU: Hardcore

I've been writing to much angst to the point where I had a "clam the Mcfrick down" moment with myself. So I'm gonna write a quick fluff fic so I can angst peacefully (next up: some whump) note: this ended being kinda angsty so sorry

So here, have some Dark/Chosen bonding (It's platonic/they're siblings)

Everyone's eyes turned to the forest after they heard the explosion. Second's mind immediately went to Chosen, it was his turn to cut down trees after all. He and the others ran towards the sound's origin. Sure enough, there was a hole in the ground with a barely!conscious Chosen laying next to it. Second and Dark ran to his side. Chosen smiled before collapsing to the ground.

Chosen slowly opened his eyes. He was laying in the bed inside the house they were building. "Real nice of you to get blown up when we haven't even finished our house." A shaky voice said. Chosen looked at Dark who was trying to act tough but was obviously on the verge of tears. "You were never good at hiding your emotions." Chosen said. "He's almost dead, and still has time a sassy little b-" Dark said before she was interrupted by Chosen's violent coughing. "H-hay, you ok?! Chosen?!" Dark panicked. "I'm... *cough* ... fine... *ferocious cough on the verge of gagging*" "No your not!" Dark snapped. Chosen continued as Dark put her hand on his shoulder. "... I *cough* guess that it hit my lungs or something?" Chosen choked after his outburst. "Stop talking you'll make it worse!" Dark demand. "I'll shut up when I want t-" Chosen replied until he stated coughing again, this time with blood. He finally finished his second outburst before falling silent for a bit. He heard something he had almost never heard before.

"... Dark.. are you... crying...?"

Chosen asked carefully so he wouldn't start again. Suddenly, Dark wrapped her arms around Chosen. "Of course I am you idiot! You scared the living darkness out of me!" She snapped. "Really...? I would think... that you would... want me... dea-" "Don't you dare even finish that sentence!" She snapped. "I care about you! I don't care about our fight! I don't care about any of that! You're my brother! You mean the world to me! If you die on me I'd have nothing left!" She pressed her face into Chosen's chest and sobbed. Chosen gently rubbed her back. "It's ok... I won't... let... myself." He said. This continued for awhile until Dark finally got up. "So... *sniff* can I get ya anything?" She choked out. "I'm kinda thirsty..." Chosen replied. "Water, got it!" Dark said before running out of the room to get something for Chosen to drink. She quickly came back and gave him a bottle of water.



"Anything else I can get you?"

Chosen remained silent for a bit. "... not... really..." He said. "Guess I could just keep an eye on you until the everyone comes back inside." Dark said. "Hey... that... reminds me... why are you... watching over me...? I would think... that Sec would... be the one... take care of me." Chosen said slowly. "I managed to talk him into letting me take care of you." Dark replied. Chosen smiled. "So... are we... friends again...?" Chosen asked. "Yeah, we're cool." Dark replied. They both stood there awkwardly. "So... when do you... think I'll be... able to walk... again...?" Chosen asked. "About a week." Dark replied.

"So I'll just be... a dead weight... until then...?"

"What! No- well sort of, I mean..."

"It's fine... I'll make up... for it... eventually..."

"No! You couldn't help it, I'm not letting you overwork yourself right after you get over this!"



"Heh... thanks mom..."

"If that's what I have to be to keep you out of trouble then so be it." The two shared a laugh.

"I'm glad you guys have finally buried hatchet." Second said as he walked in. "Yeah, I guess it's your turn to watch him tomorrow." Dark said. "Yeah, but I guess you can drop in every now and again." Second said. Chosen smiled. At least his time in bed wouldn't be boring.

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