I was gonna make is a full fanfic but I lost my motivation

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So I'm gonna explain the plot

We stat with Second waking up in a computer he doesn't recognize. He quickly realizes that he's been sent into the past and is now in the place of Dark. Second has full memory of how things played out before, but Chosen does not. Instead of fighting Chosen, Security attempts to talk him out of fighting. He eventually succeeds in talking him out and they end up destroying the computer and escaping.

Instead of going around destroying computers, they rescue sticks from abusive owners. Second releases that Chosen is getting more... extreme.

Second tries to draw but he's lost all his art skills. Plus, he finds himself drawing a lot of machines. Chosen suggests to Sec that he should try building stuff. Big mistake now every night Chosen has to drag Second out of his workshop every night. Soon after when Second was made originally, he releases that Dark has token his place. He has an idea to make sure Dark doesn't go down a bad path.

The focus changes to Dark and Vira. (who wasn't made by Dark and is a butterfly thing the sits in Dark's head like a bobby pin) It's revealed that Vira is Dark's moral compasses and voice of reason, and that Dark is a mischievous version of OG Second.

They meet Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue, animator comes back, fighting, sad moment as animator realizes that Dark is his mini-me, stick-human friendship.

Dark holds a grudge against Purple after he leaves Blue and Green, but forgives him at the end of AvLOL because Vira insisted she should.

One day Chosen himself attacks the computer like OG Virus. Just as he's about to kill Dark, Second comes out of nowhere and protects her and the other sticks. He chases Chosen away before passing out.

It's revealed that Second made Vira to keep Dark from becoming evil. Chosen wanted revenge against the animator and decided that he'd kill the other sticks if they sided with the animator. He and Second have a fight like OG Dark and Chosen, except Chosen is evil.

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