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Theme song: Monster in me by Little Mix

I sat down with a sigh and took a sip from my coffee.

Leaning back in the chair, I sighed another time and that earned a nasty look from Tanner.

"What?" I frowned at him and he shook his robotic head.

I clicked my tongue and took another sip from my coffee, making sure to sigh afterwards. Once, twice, thrice.

"Can you not?" Tanner snapped, putting his pen down and glaring at me.

I raised my hands in mock surrender.

"Alright, people." Chief Andrew walked in , placing his file on the table.

I straightened and placed my coffee on the table.

"Where's Charles?" Chief asked, looking around the room. "And Spencer? And Charlotte?"

"Here I am!" Charlotte walked in, smiling apologetically at Chief.

Chief nodded at her and she sat down next to me.

"God, we don't have time to wait for those two knuckle heads." Chief tsked, looking down at his watch.

As he said that, Spencer and Charles walked in, both holding stacks of papers.

"Got what you asked for, Chief." Charles breathed out, placing the papers on the table. It made a thumping noise.

"What?" Chief asked, confused.

"The paperwork on the Dickinson case." Spencer said, looking at Charles for confirmation.

Charles nodded. "Took us forever to complete."

"Oh, I don't need it anymore." Chief said, his eyes holding a little regret while his face remained neutral.

Charles and Spencer exchanged looks before sitting down, Spencer on my left with Charles next to him.

I pressed my lips together, trying to surpress my laughter.

"Anyway, we've got a new case on our hands." Chief started.

"New case?" Tanner questioned leaning forward on the table, his hands folded. "So soon?"

"Yes. It's an extremely important case." Chief looked at each and everyone of us, dead in the eye. "And extremely dangerous."

"What is it?" Charles asked, his knee bouncing in impatience.

"It's the Anceps."

I chocked on solid air. I coughed, Charlotte rubbing my back and Spencer offered a bottle of water.

After calming down, I turned to Chief. "The Anceps?"

Chief nodded. "Yes, Lexa, I see you know of them. Anyone else?"

"Everyone knows them." Spencer stated.

"I don't." Charlotte said, softly.

"The Anceps are an extremely dangerous Maria gang that has never been caught and grows day by day." Chief explained. "They're drug dealers, made it into a business. They flow in number and power. And money."

"So what's the mission?" Tanner jumped in.

I rolled my eyes mentally at him.

"We need to get in. It's an undercover mission."

I hope Tanner has to go undercover and possibly get drugged and die.

Omw, I'm so evil.

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