Gon had no idea what his costume was going to look like. It was mainly because Killua did it for him, saying something along the lines of 'I won't allow you to blind everyone with your blinding sense of green fashion.'

"Everyone get suited up!" Allmight cheered with an odd amount of excitement. Maybe he was just thrilled to see his students blossom. Who knows? Teachers are weird.


"In this training, you all will go in pairs of two. One hero team and one villain team against each other."

"Without basic training?" Tsu asked. It was a fair question. They were throwing them into a fight, hoping the would magically adapt and understand.

"This is the training," Allmgiht said, standing tall with his fists rested on his hips as he looked at all of his students in their hero outfits. They're all unique just like they are. "There are no robots like the entrance exams though. You can't just beat them into a pulp."

"Can we do it anyway?" Bakugo asked, followed by other questions.

"How will we be graded?" Momo asked, analyzing how this session will affect her grade in the class.

"Will we be threatened with expulsion again?" Uraraka asked, thinking back to Aizawa's fitness test.

"Wait I thought they aren't supposed to expel students?" Gon asked her, very confused.

"I don't know what to expect anymore." Uraraka sighed tiredly.

Gon visibly tensed at her words. He knew he would probably screw something up and somehow get himself kicked out of UA. It's not that he was terrified of staying in this world for the rest of his life. It's more like he won't find his dad here. Then again, killua and bisky would kill him before he could worry about that.

"Isn't my cape fantastic?" Ayoyama blurted out.

"Can we break the building?" Gon asked earning some glances. The class knew that he and killua were quite the powerhouse when it comes to physical abilities, so his statement made them a bit on edge.

Instead of gons original bright green jacket, he had a camo jacket which had the zipper down, revealing the black undershirt that he wore. He also had matching black shorts which were similar to his other pair and the same green boots because he refused to wear the new black combat coots killua ordered for him. 

At this point allmight was overwhelmed by all the questions, "I'll get to all your questions later!" Be took a deep breath to calm his nerves. The class became quiet as he pulled out his notebook. "As I said earlier, you will be doing battles in teams of two." Allmight continued to explain the training with only a few questions here and there, but this time it was bearable.

"Sensei." Momo raised her hand.

"Yes, young one?"

"If we are battling two vs two then how will deal with the fact that we have 22 students. Not 20." She asked.

"I dint think about that. Thank you for informing me." Allmight looked around at his students for a second or two before pointing his finger at a certain pair. "Gon, Killua. You both will go in the first battle to make it a 3 vs 3 battle."

Gon was confused at first from the mention of all the numbers and stuff, but when he finally processed that he was going first, he was just about bouncing in adrenaline.

"The first teams to go up are..." Allmight gave a dramatic pause which made the class look at him, curiously.

Killua yawned tiredly, in a jacket designed similar to gon. It was a dark blue zip-up jacket with a collar and then a light purple shirt underneath. It's not flashy, but that was him. He wasn't raised to be flashy. He was more stealthy and laid back. He also sported navy blue jeans with a thick belt to support the weight of his yoyos if he wanted to put them there. He always had trouble with his pockets ripping whenever he wanted to carry them around because they were so heavy.

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