8 - silent nights

Start from the beginning

I took a deep breath and made my way to Gerard. It was exactly five when I got there so I knew he hasn't been waiting for long. He smiled when he saw me approach him and I smiled back. He threw away the butt of his cigarette and held his hand up in a sort of wave-like movement.

"Hi, Frank."

"Hey, Gerard." I smiled and licked my lips. "Shall we?" I asked and he nodded and followed me to the car.

I looked at Sean through the window and he smiled at me. I got in the car and suddenly got even more nervous. I probably should have told Sean that not everyone's like me and that I can't talk to him. As soon as Gerard got in Sean perked up and waved at him.

"Hi, I'm Sean." He said. Gerard didn't react of course. He just scratched his ear and put on his seatbelt. "What's your name?" Sean leaned to see Gerard better but didn't get an answer.

"So, Gerard, where do you want to go." I asked to at least answer the kid's question.

"That's a cool name." Sean mused. "He can't see me?" He asked me and luckily at the same time Gerard was asking a question that allowed me to answer both of them.

"Is Donna's still open?"

"I don't think so." I shook my head and gave a sad look to Sean through my rearview mirror.

"Oh." Sean shrugged his little shoulders and then we decided where to go with Gerard and were off.


The car ride was mostly silent except for a few words exchanged between me and Gerard. As long as we were in the car it was okay because Sean was preoccupied with the things he saw through the window but I couldn't guarantee that he would be as calm in the cafe.

I needed to explain a few more things to Sean so I told Gerard I needed to use the bathroom so he could order first. Once in the bathroom, I checked no one was there so I could speak freely. I told Sean that no, Gerard cannot see or hear him. I also told him to speak as little as possible since I couldn't answer him because people would think I'm crazy. He said he understood all of it and we were good to join Gerard.

"Sorry, for the wait. What'd you order?" I asked Gerard and smiled nervously.

"Just a coffee for starters. I didn't know what you wanted so I ordered just for myself." He told me apologetically.

"That's okay, I'll just hop there real quick to order then." I smiled widely and went to the counter. I ordered whatever coffee looked like the best deal and looked over at the table while waiting for the cashier to hand me my change.

My eyes widened when I saw Sean had stood up and was standing beside Gerard looking at him very closely. He was also talking, I could hear his little voice and since there weren't any children around it just must have been him. Gerard couldn't see, of course, but Sean still tried to talk to him. He was asking him normal kid questions like 'why is there a scar on your neck', 'do you have siblings' and 'why are you so quiet'. I sighed and looked back at the cashier handing me both my change and mine and Gerard's drinks.

As I made my way to the table I noticed Gerard was holding his ear almost painfully. He stopped when he saw me carrying our coffees but I saw it anyway. Sean jumped into his seat when he saw me approach and acted as if he wasn't just doing what I told him not to do.

"Ah, thank you." Gerard smiled and took his drink from me.

"You're welcome." I nodded at him and sipped my coffee. "Hearing problems?" I asked, probably a stupid question but I was still pretty much nervous as hell.

"Uh, I had an accident as a kid." Gerard told me almost reluctantly. "My brother punched me in the ear and I fell on the concrete. I was out for a few seconds and since then I hear ringing in my ear from time to time. It keeps getting a bit worse lately, I might go to the doctor or something." He chuckled.

"Oh, okay."

"Yeah, what do you do anyway? You never really told me." He asked me and that started our long and interesting conversation. I had one burning question on my mind though.

"What's with that guy that tripped you the other day?" I asked him remembering how he also cast Gerard those weird looks.

"Jake? Oh, it's nothing. He's a dick but it's cool. I don't like him that much and vice versa, he's just joking around." Gerard shrugged it off.

"Are you sure? It seemed more serious than that." I shrugged.

"It's okay, seriously." Gerard told me sternly and I got the message and let it go. For now.

I got to know him a lot better than I would have expected on a first date. I really liked being around him and talking with him. We laughed a lot and it seemed that we just clicked. It was nice, just talking to someone without the intention of bringing him home after for a quick fuck and then bye. I was seriously so tired of that life.

We finished the food that we went to get after the coffee. I had to cut our date a little short because Sean kept complaining that he is tired and as much as I wanted to spend more time with Gerard I had to take care of this boy. So I told him that I have to wake up early in the morning and he totally understood with being a firefighter and all. I offered to take him home and he agreed.

We all hopped in the car and I drove to Gerard's place the route he told me. As we were crossing a bridge though, Sean perked up and even in the dark, I could see the green color starting to fill his body. He looked at a particular spot where flowers had been laid down by people, a few candles and even some teddy bears. My eyes widened when I realized what probably had happened and my breathing almost stopped when I heard Sean from the back seat.



ahh, hell yeah, frank and gee on their first date, i wonder if they get together ♥♥


today i have finally decided if and what i would want to write after this book is done but then i realized it will be another book with a sad ending 

so im asking you slimeballs, would you read it or have you cried enough? xD lmk

sending love, good vibes and happy thoughts

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