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"Jimin! Hi! Hi!" Yoongi squealed opening the door.

Jimin had a suitcase and another small bag at hand. He smiled as equally happy as him. "Hey, Yoongi. What's up?"

"Nothing much. Excuse the mess. I only have like one working hand and well you know."

Jimin nodded and looked around. "You have a beautiful home. Where do you work?"

"I'm a computer tech. Do boring shit with computers you know. A nerdy but fun job."

"That's interesting. It really is. Also, the house isn't messy."

"You haven't seen my room yet."

"Oh," he responded with a small chuckle.

"Follow me this way." Yoongi said walking ahead. Jimin did as he was told and walked down the hallway behind him.

He took note of the paintings hung on the wall and the cool tone colors around his house. "Here is where you will be staying. No ones really ever used it just my friends when they stay over."

"It's yellow." He said looking around surprised. "Yeah, my room is blue. I would've picked this one it's just too bright for me. I don't think it fits my vide. I do think it fits your vibe perfectly."

"Why's that?" He asked putting his suitcase on the bed.

"Because yellow is bright, beautiful, and full of life and so are you." He grinned.

Jimin smiled looking down as he took his scrubs out. "I can't believe you're moving in with me. I'm so shocked. I should've broken my arm sooner. Holy shit."

"No, no. I don't like the fact that you broke your arm. I wish you were all better. I don't want you hurting."

"It'll heal soon. Think about it this way. It was meant to be and that's why I broke my arm. I think it's destiny reuniting us." He told with a smirk.

"Oh, really? Do you find double meanings for everything?"

"For sure."

"Nice to know."

"I can help you unpack." Yoongi volunteered.

"No, you sit right there. I can do it."

Yoongi smiled and bit his tongue to not respond with a yes daddy. "You smile a lot." Jimin chuckled putting his scrubs in the drawer.

"It's a natural reaction around you. By the way, you look so cute in regular clothes. I had never seen you out of your scrubs. Well, I have through the car window at the drivethru, but that doesn't count. And wow, I just realized how fucking creepy that sounded. I'm so sorry."

"Oh, umm, thank you. It's-it's okay." He said quietly his face turning red.

"Cute when you blush."

"If you keep saying that things like that I will continue to blush."

"That's my job. Duh."

"Do you know that you blush because of an emotional trigger causes your gland to release adrenaline in your body? It also helps us in a way. We often blush when we're embarrassed or ashamed about something. If we blush in front of people we are more likely to be liked, forgiven, or trusted."

He stopped talking when he didn't hear Yoongi say a word. He turned around and found him smiling and looking at him.

"Sorry. Just trying to inform you about blushing." He whispered.

"You're so smart. I know I tell you this, but you blow my mind all the time. I could never memorize how the body works and all the stuff you do. You're impressive."

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