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"Take another shot you wimp ass." Hoseok screamed.

Yoongi shook his head no, "Hell no. I have work tomorrow. I'm not trying to get drunk."

"Take a shot!" He repeated.

"Alright, Hoseok, there, there. Sit down please." Taehyung said grabbing Hoseok who was currently getting everyone's attention at the bar.

"No! He has to take a shot!"

"I have to take my medication tonight!"

"Pussy ass..."

The bartender looked at the trio with Taehyung being the only sober one. "We're good!" He beamed with a thumbs up.

Once he looked away he yanked Hoseok and sat him down. "If you don't sit your ass down I will leave you here."

"Okay. Fine. Damn."

"I have to pee. Can you two behave for two minutes, please?"

Hoseok and Yoongi looked at each other with glasses on whiskey in their hands. "Sure." Yoongi shrugged.

"I swear if I come back and you are doing some stupid shit—"

"Yeah. Yeah. Are you pissing here or what?" Hoseok asked.

"Listen boy, did you never learn about manners?"

"Okay, go pee, please." Yoongi said getting in between them.

Taehyung groaned rolling his eyes. Hoseok stuck his tongue out at him as he walked by. "He's so moody."

"Yeah, he's salty because he had to be the designated driver tonight." Yoongi told.

"I'm going to ask for another drink. Want one?"

"Sure. I'll have whatever you're having. Nothing crazy!"

Hoseok smirked leaving Yoongi behind. He approached the bartender and smiled at him. "Hey! Can I get your strongest drink here?"

"Blue motorcycle is pretty strong. It has tequila, rum, vodka and—"

"Yes! You had me at tequila! But add like double the tequila, rum and vodka and just double everything."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive. I'll have two of those."

"Alright. I'll get them ready for you."

"Thank you." Hoseok chuckled as he finished his whiskey.

"Are you trying to die?"

Hoseok turned around and landed eyes on a built black haired man. He gulped nervously setting the glass down before he dropped it.

The guy was with two other guys who hadn't even caught his attention. "Are you from Tennessee because you're the only ten I see." Hoseok asked raising his eyebrow as seductively as he could.

"I'm ten." The one standing on the right side said. "Well, that's not my name but they call me that."

"Shit. I didn't even see you two there. What's up? I got two friends with me if you wanna meet them. I mean you are open to both genders right? You are in a gay club after all."

"Yeah. Except, he's in love with his nurse and he's in love with his best friend." The black haired answer.

"Shut up." The tallest one murmured.

"No way! You're in love with your nurse too? I have two friends back there that also claim they're in love with their nurses. Are you a nurse?" He asked.

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