This is where reality strikes. Haha.

Começar do início

He felt a fist digging into his stomach. Ryan gasped, doubling up. He was pulled straight again.

"Or are you a worthless piece of shit like her? Huh? Are you?"

"She's not." Ryan muttered.

His dad looked at him in disbelief. "Wait, what did you say?"

"She's not," Ryan repeated, raising his voice. "She's not...a worthless piece of shit."

His dad was still staring, as if he couldn't believe Ryan was siding Nicky Laureal.

"You are a worthless piece of shit."

His dad slapped him right across his face. He did it again a second time, nearly knocking Ryan off his feet. Then he pushed him to the floor and stepped on his chest, pressing down.

"What did you say?"

"Fuck you."

Ryan felt a kick in his stomach. Another kick, this time on his jaw. He coughed out blood. His dad grabbed his collar and held him above the floor. 

"Fuck you." Then he kneed Ryan in his groin. 

Ryan cried out in pain. His vision swam. He felt himself crashing to the floor. He saw his dad's feet as he walked away.

Ryan was beyond furious. How could he do this, over and over again and then get away with it? 

He saw his dad grab a beer from the counter. 

Just then his mobile beeped. Fuck. Julie must have messaged her address. Did she have to do it now?

Dad heard it and paused. Then he turned around and came back towards him. Ryan scrambled to his feet  and grabbed his phone off the shoe-rack. Yup. It was Julie.

Ryan held up his hands slowly as his dad came over. "I - I can explain. It's just mom-"

Dad grabbed the phone from his hands and looked at the message. The anger came back. "Why is some girl messaging you her address?"

"It's's - I mean, my.....friend." Couldn't let mom get involved in this. He'd kill her.

Dad threw the phone across the room, it clattered on the floor. There were two more beeps. 

Ryan sighed. He was dead now.

Dad looked at the phone and turned to him. "Who's place are you going tonight?"

Ryan backed away till he hit the wall. His dad pushed against him, his nails digging deep into his arms. 

Fuck, his nails were too long. 

"I said, who's place are you going to tonight?"

"It's not the whole night! It's just...a dinner."

"I see now, is it? A date?"

Ryan looked at him hatefully. "No, not a date. We - We're discussing a project."

The nails dug even deeper. Ryan grimaced as he felt blood trickle down his arms.

His dad slapped him, hard. Ryan crashed to the floor.

"Well, forget it, you're not going."

"What? No-"

"In fact," His dad continued, "You're not going anywhere. You're stuck here, with me."

Ryan glared at him and tore away from his grip. "Watch me."

Then he grabbed the car keys from the top of the shoe-rack and dangled it in front of his dad's face. "Watch me."

Ryan walked to the other corner of the room and picked up his phone.

His dad tried to hit him again, but Ryan just pushed him away, ran up the stairs and locked himself into his bedroom.

He sat down on his bed, trying to breathe calmly again. He hated him. He hated him.

He was going out tonight with Julie. He didn't give a shit about Drake. Just to piss off his dad. Ryan glanced at the watch. He still had an hour.

He looked at his phone inbox, at the messages from Julie.

Johan street, third house, left side. --Julie

Don't forget to luk sexy just like you always do ;) -- Julie

Luv u ;) --Julie

Ryan shook his head, amused. Did she flirt with everybody, or was it just him?


BeatenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora