#0 - How you guys sleep together

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#0 - How you guys sleep together

Gladers in this chapter: Newt, Thomas, Gally and Minho x



Newt likes to sleep facing you. He loves watching you fall asleep and spooning is his speciality. He sleeps with you tucked under his arms with your head usually buried in his chest. He loves kissing your forehead and whispering cute things in your ear until you fall asleep


When you guys sleep together Thomas is really possessive and doesn't let you out of his embrace. Thomas likes to sleep with your back cuddled up into this chest and with his arms around your waist. He likes kissing your ear occasionally  and hates it when you get out of bed because he worries about you


Gally is really protective. You guys usually sleep with your head in his chest and his arms wrapped really tightly around his shoulders. He whispers cute random things in your ear to help you fall asleep and tickles you to make you laugh


Minho, surprisingly, likes to spoon and cuddle in bed. You guys sleep facing each other and he puts his arms around your waist while you rest your head near his neck. If you get sacred at something at night he'll gently squeeze you and kiss your forehead while whispering comforting little phrases



Hey, so yeah I saw a bunch of other people doing this and I decided to do it too so yeah here I am. Woohoo

I'll try to the main Gladers: Newt, Minho, Thomas, Gally , Alby and maybe even Aris if you guys want but ayoo yeah

Request and I'll try to do them and I'll update four times a week or every day

Just warning the first few aren't that great so it takes a while to get interesting but dw there's nothing yuck

To all my amazing readers I would give you each a Newt if I could or a little army of minhos you get my drift


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