"Its okay Maddy." I said softly and she released a shaky, long breath.

"He has a new family ya know?" She said so quietly I almost didn't hear her.

"He owns this big, fucking mansion. He has a 'wife'" she air quoted. "that looks like a kardashian wanna be, she looks so plastic it's almost painful to stare at her." I giggle slightly and the corners of Maddy's mouth tilted up slightly. But just as quickly as they did, her little smile dropped.

"She has a daughter named Cleo. She looks like a model from Hollywood. There is no flaw when it comes to her, she's utterly perfect. And my father loves her." She said softly with a sad tone, and I squeezed her hand.

"Nobody is perfect, Madeline. That girl is no exception." I told her and she shook her head.

"I know but.." she trailed off.

"We were in the dining hall, and all Ratchel and my father could talk about was her.  How she was named after the great Cleopatra, surrounded by ritches her whole life,  very social at school, starting her studies at her local university to become a lawyer, a top model, emphasized on her weight. The whole thing was unbearable. I excused myself to go to the bathroom. And when I looked in the mirror I just-" it seemed like her mind woudint let her talk.
Her mouth was open but no words came out, it looked like she'd seen a ghost.

"I saw the failure I was. After all, dad had signed me up for modeling and I hated it, I found being a lawyer so boring I purposely stopped taking the classes he paid for, he was always complaining what an antisocial and shy person I was and he always had something to say about my weight. That I was too chubby, too skinny, too me. Nothing was enough for him, nothing. I was never enough for him. I didn't meet his standards and I never would." She sighed.

"And when I got out, when I was about to walk down the stairs, I heard them talking."

Flashback (Third Person POV)

"Daddy, why did you invite her over?" Said Cleo's annoying voice from down the stairs.
Typical, Madelane though, wait for me to leave so little miss perfect can drop the act. Eavesdropping was never her thing, her mother had taught her better. But something in her gut was telling her to hide and listen. So she did just that.

Trusting her intuition, Madelane crouched at the top of the stairscase and peered through the first baluster, being careful as to keep her body hidden.

"I invited her over, my little pearl, because I though by showing her all of this and telling her all about our new lives I could talk some sense into her. But I see I was wrong." Madelane could see his frown, and how he brushed his silver hair back.

"What do you mean?" Rachel chimed in. She too had a frown as she leaned forward, her chin resting on her jewelry covered hands.

"My darlings, you two are my greatest pride. Madeline on the other hand, has always been my biggest mistake and I am very ashamed of her." To this, Madelane gasped and quickly put her hand over her mouth. Madeline had always known her father disliked her, but to hear it come so naturally out of his mouth hurt more than she wanted to admit.

"My dear, it's alright. You can tell us anything. Cleo and I will support you and we are here for you." Rachel said sweetly.

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