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She doesn't know if he's doing it on purpose or not;he's constantly confusing her.

She always has these questions in her head around him ,but there is that one question that's literally fucking her head up

'Does he feel the same'

She's so fed up ,he treats her like a princess then leaves ,cares for her then leaves again.He even kissed her for god's sake and he left too.

It was another stressful uni day and she was walking around with her friend,lisa.

she saw someone oddly familiar,don't mistake her as a dramatic person,but that person reminded her of a person from her childhood;she feels like they're related somehow,or maybe its just her imagination.

"do you remember our great days" she asked out of nowhere with dreamy eyes.

"Which ones exactly,there's a ton you know" Lisa replied,chuckling a little bit.

"The times with Alice,how we did a lot of things like there's no tomorrow,jumping in pools with our clothes,sometimes naked too"she chuckled "we had so much fun us three together growing up,when she died,at least thats what we believe, i felt empty,so empty to the point of finding no point to live at all"she said,changing their conversation into something dark all of a sudden.

Lisa didn't know what to reply,Alice was a sister to her as well. She was dumbfounded how Roseanne was not tearful anymore to talk about it,like she's numb to this pain.

"Hey,its alright" Lisa said reassuringly"it'll be okay,we'll live our lives like before,whether Alice is dead or not,she'd always want us to he happy" she ended her words with a hurtful smile.

"You're always right,that's frustrating sometimes" Rose replied with a small laugh.

"Wasn't i a crackhead before" Lisa replied laughing a bit too.

"You're my crackhead" Rose replied with a cheesy smile that never fails to cringe the blonde one.

"Ew thats some lesbian shit,girl i'm loyal to my boyfriend" Lisa replied

They both continue their walk with laughter and happiness.


She stepped into that freakily big mansion,a bit late she can say; its almost 12:00 am.

She was greeted by her not so happy mom.

"Wow,so early" her mom exclaimed sarcastically.

"Sorry" Rose replied with a hint of guilt in her soft voice.

"Have you eaten today,you look pale and tired" her mom changed the topic and worriedly asked this question.

"Nope,i'm not hungry" She replied ,yawning at the end.

"Awh babe,go to sleep,you seem tired,tough day?" Her mom asked

"No mom there was never been a good day really,today won't be any different from the others"she finished off this conversation ,went up to her room, and thought a lot about her long lost sister.

'What if she's still alive'

Another stressful uni day and another walk along the river with Lisa.

"Does your boyfriend confuses you sometimes"Roseanne asked Lisa out of the blue.

"Why ask that all of a sudden"Lisa replied with a confused smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2020 ⏰

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