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5 months later

It was this other day when she went to a high school reunion with her friends, more specifically with her bestfriend's boyfriend's friends , she couldn't let down her only friend,lisa.

After all she was beside rose in everything even when her mother decided to get married.

That day she faced a hard time in two things , one having to convince her mother , and two knowing what she will wear to that 'reunion'.

She solved the first problem by telling Her mother that she'll be back before 11 and that she doesn't have to worry and that her friend will pick her not to mention that she lied.

However the second problem was still not solved , as she was still standing in front of her wardrobe , parties were not really her cup of tea well actually they were never her cup of tea.

"Need some help"she was cut by her mother , people might assume that because her mother married someone else then that means that she doesn't care about her daughter, she would have never married Mr.park if Rose was not approving ,she still loves her daughter so much , even Mr.park , he treats her just as his own daughter , he always wanted a daughter after all

"Nah i'm fine mom , you have to get ready yourself" she replied to her mother with a genuine smile

"How can i forget " her mother said remembering her so called date with Mr.park , to her it was a date ,but to him it was just one of the business dinners he had from time to time

After her mother left she was cut again but by someone who takes away her breath by just a look , you probably guessed right, yes it was no other than rose's secret Prince Charming park Jimin.

"Need some help doll"he asked with his ravishing smirk that makes the elephants in her stomach be awakened

"Umm kinda i guess" she knows jimin has a great sense of fashion even if its related to women.

"Well where are you going"he asked

"You already know that" she stated obvious with the fact that her argument with her mother was quite loud a while ago

"I didn't wanna seem like i was eavesdropping"he said while pulling back his black hair with his hands

"Oh please,even if the guards outside said they knew i would know that they overheard mom's loud speaking" she said sarcastically , many people may think that being sassy is sexy ,but jimin always saw her cute even when she's acting sarcastically,in his point of view she looked like a kitten trying to scratch someone.

He only replied with a chuckle and stepping in her room and just sat casually on her bed , it became a habit for him actually , they're always hanging out well actually when jimin is not busy .

"Show me your options" even though deep down he was against the idea of her going to a place like where she is going, he didn't want to interfere and even if something is happening to her,he's always around not specially him well his men ,she's the responsibility given to him by his father .

She showed him the two dresses,the first one was a black fitted off-shoulder dress , and the other was a maroon one that was like a gown but a short one with sparkles and a sweetheart top .

"Those are too short and showy" he said bluntly , she knows Jimin is protective of her , he convinced her before that she is his step sister and he couldn't afford something bad happening to her

"Then what am I supposed to wear , I don't have anything to wear" she whined

He just chuckled and stood up tall and went to her wardrobe,simply getting out a black skirt with a white loose long sleeved shirt

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