I shook my head furiously and Hayley grabbed my face and pulled us closer together. She bit her lip and traced her index finger over my lips.

"You," she said softly. "You keep away from my girlfriend, okay?"

I swallowed again and Hayley moved away from me as soon as the bathroom door opened. Tay stood there, dressed with her hair straightened for the first time in about a year, and her cute smile.

"I really gotta go," she said.

Hayley nodded and walked over to her. "I should get going too. Thanks for the sleepover."

"Of course."

I looked down as the two connected their lips in a passionate kiss. Then Hayley grabbed her clothes from Tay's room and left. I was silent as Tay gathered her jacket, bag, and phone, and she gave me a concerned look.

"You okay, Jen?"

I blinked and nodded. "Yeah," I lied. "You want me to walk you to science?"

She smiled. "I'd love that."


"I don't even get what Tay sees in her," I said, resting my head on my desk.

My friend Alex shrugged as he turned to face me. We were waiting for our literature course to start, and I decided to ask Alex for help. He was always good at giving me advice.

"Honestly, I don't either," he said. "Hayley is the least romantic person I know, whereas Tay's the complete opposite. Hayley kind of treats Tay like shit, I guess. Tay deserves way better."

I nodded. "I know. Believe me, I know."

He gave a sympathetic smile. "She deserves you, Jen."

I lifted my head and shook it. "She still deserves better. What good would I do anyway? She doesn't even know that I like girls."

"You could do a lot of good," Jeremy said. "I mean, I see the looks you give her all the time. And I sure as hell see the looks Hayley gives you."

"Yeah." I slumped back. "She hates my guts. Which I also don't get." I sat forward again. "Why did she do that whole seductive thing this morning?"

"Hayley's a tease," Alex said. "Maybe she was just trying to get under your skin as much as possible."

I nodded. That sounded just like something she'd do to me.

My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see that Tay had texted me.

From Tay da Bae<3:

I. Need. Pizza.

I rolled my eyes and texted her back:

You need more pizza like you need another pair of shoes.


Tay: Goddammit autocorrect do your job

I giggled out loud and Alex smirked, raising his eyebrows at me. I growled at him and the guys laughed.

Me: Why do you insist that we buy shoes?

Tay: Because shoes. Are bae.

Tay: Dear God you sound like the Queen of England in my head when you text

Tay: "Why do you insist that we purchase foot coverings with a sturdy sole?"

I rolled my eyes.

Bad Enough For YouWhere stories live. Discover now