Chapter 6

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Going to start putting multiple small character x reader moments in these first few chapters so I can build a bond between the characters and reader so it isn't just straight to the romance. I find relationships going too fast weird lol

Y/N and the gang went into the spare room that was used as storage. Right as they walked in dust overtook their senses. The room looks like it hasn't been used in a while. "Haha..." Y/N chuckled a little embarrassed, "Pardon the dust we don't really use this room a lot." On the floor were boxes stacked to the roof and a wardrobe just a bit further in. The crowd of people carefully made their way to the wardrobe while doing their best not to inhale too much dust. Y/N made her way to the window to bring some fresh air into the room. The red drapes looked a bit dull from being in such a dark room for so long. Sunlight broke through the shield of drapes and lit up everyone's senses. Y/N also opened the window, air rushed in, making the dusty, cramped room much more... tolerable.

Y/N got to work moving some boxes out of the way, the others joined to clear up some space. The wardrobe was now much more accessible. Next to the wardrobe was a mirror. Sebastian used his gloved hand to wipe the dust off the surface of the mirror. "Ok, have at it! You can also try looking for some more stuff in the boxes to the left!" Y/N gestured to the wardrobe and the stack of boxes labeled "Clothes".

The cast of characters rummaged through the large wardrobe and boxes, searching through the unfamiliar attire for something that matches their tastes. (You may imagine them to be in anything! It doesn't affect the story haha) Loads of shirts and random accessories you never knew existed later, they all found casual clothes to wear. 

Now that the outfit issue was out of the way, you excitedly exclaimed, "Now, time to go to the mall!" "What's the mall?" Ciel asked what everyone was thinking. "The mall is a place with loads of different stores to shop at! Cafes too!" Y/N explained with a smile. Y/N loved going to the mall with BF/N, it was like their favorite place to hang out because of the cafes and bookstores with loads of manga. Y/N rushed out of the dusty room leaving the rest of the characters confused to get ready to go out. 

Time Skip to when they're all at the mall

"Yayyy! We're here! okay Y/N, don't get distracted, you're here to get essentials for the Black Butler characters." Y/N dragged along the characters (I'm running out of words for characters uh oh) to buy essentials like a phone, and obviously, clothes to replace their temporary ones. As Y/N was going from store window to window, a bright red dress seemed to have caught Grell's eyes. "*dramatic gasp* Y/N! I want that one!" Grell pointed to the beaming, crimson dress. 

"Fine, I'll buy you that one dress but that's the only big item I'm getting you! Those dresses aren't cheap you know and I need my money for milk tea and manga!" Y/N agreed. Grell happily dragged Y/N into the said store to buy the dress. "Thank you, dear! I love it~" Grell said in a sing-song voice. (Happy Grell=Happy me) Disclaimer, that was not the only big thing Y/N got her. That day, Grell got bag loads of pretty things, efficiently emptying Y/N's manga budget. 

After spending a shit ton on Grell and the others, Y/N took the large group to get some milk tea. Y/N was most particularly excited to introduce Ciel to modern milk tea, with loads of different flavors and popping pearls. Y/N got a decorated strawberry milk tea, very Instagram-able. Although Ciel got regular milk tea with earl grey tea. "So how is it?" Y/N asked while sipping her milk tea. "It's...Okay, I guess..." Ciel replied a bit flushed. He and Y/N were sitting next to each other, and while Y/N didn't mind nor notice anything, Ciel seemed to be a bit flustered. Sebastian who was sitting near them noticed his young lord's amusing behavior and let out a chuckle, although Ciel didn't seem to notice. 

End of the mall trip! Now time skip to when Y/N is carrying all the bags into the house!

Y/N trudged with loads of heavy bags in her hands, being careful to not drop anything. Y/N said earlier to everyone to go inside and wait for her, which in all honesty was a bad idea. The weight of all the bags really started to take a toll on her and finally, she fell. Time seemed to slow like a comedic scene in an anime as Y/N was screaming in her head her last words, "SHIT IS THIS HOW I DIE??" Luckily, before you completely fell onto your face, Undertaker grabbed hold of you by your waist and caught the falling bags. Time-once again- seemed to stop. You blushed at the sudden contact with the REALLY FUCKING HOT Undertaker. You were flustered but stayed silent as he took most of the bags, helping you carry everything inside. Once Y/N got inside and rushed into her room, she had her head in her hands as her face was blushed a shade of pink. Coincidentally, Claude happened to pass by Y/N's room and saw her in her state of turmoil. 

He stopped at her cracked open door and gave it 3 knocks before barging in. "Um..." He started with an out-of-character pause, "Are you...Okay, miss?" What is he doing he thought, caring about someone he barely knows... was very out-of-character for him. "Yeah, I'm fine." Y/N was panicking on the inside, "I CAN'T TELL HIM I'M JUST FANGIRLING OVER UNDERTAKER..." Still, with some concern, Claude took the glove off his right hand and placed it over Y/N's still burning forehead. "Your temperature is high, are you sure you're okay?" "Yeah, I'm totally fine---"

Y/N said before completely passing out. 

Andddddd I'm back...for how long? Who knows haha. I might update a bit during the summer but don't count on it, my motivation and mental health are off and on and really confusing. But to you lovely readers who read my crap, thank you! Although my shitty writing is just one out of hundreds, I still feel happy whenever anyone bothers to read it lol Anyways, I'm still contemplating which perspective to use for this. What perspective do you like most? 3rd person, 1st person, or whatever the hell 2nd person is? 

Anyways, thank you again for engaging with this fanfic I started way back when, feels like it's been forever although it's only been a year or two. And to those who actually read my author notes special thanks for going through my mini rants. 

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