Final Chapter: The Truth Revealed

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The gang where back from finding out the secret, and Mario and Meggy were ready to tell everyone.

SMG4: The podium is all yours

Mario: Thank you.

The couple got on the podium, and told.

Meggy: Hello everyone. We have something to tell all of you.

Everyone stopped what they where doing, and listened.

Tari: I wonder what they have to say.

B.O.B: If It DoEsNt HaVe AnYtHiNG To Do WiTh MoNeY, I CoUlDnT CaRe LeSs!


Boopkins: Oh, it sounds important.

The couple were a little scared, but there was no turning back.

Mario: We have been keeping a secret from you all, but now we think its time to spill the beans.

Meggy: The truth is.............. Me and Mario, are in a relationship. So were dating.

Everyone was shocked, but they all started to clap for joy.

Tari: Awww, you two make a great couple!

B.O.B: LiKe I SaId, No MoNeY, I Do-

Saiko: *kicks him him in the ovaries* Dont listen to him, congratulations!


Boopkins: Hey, thats pretty good.

Toad: I dont care!!

Mario and Meggy could never belive that the others would approve of this, but they were happy about this.

Both: Thank you all for your support!

Everyone else: No problem!

After the anouncment, everyone went back to having fun partying, but Mario and Meggy went back home, but not before they encounterd a very pissed off Octoling.

Desti: You ruind everything you cheaters!!!

Meggy: We didnt cheat, so get lost!

Mario: Yeah, go away, you big a monkey!

They pushed Desti aside and went home. When they got home, they went to bed, because they where tired of all the excitment.

Mario: I love you Meggy!
Meggy: I love you too Mario!

The couple shared a passionate kiss, and went to bed, eager to wake up and start there day as a non-secret couple.

And that is it, the full story compleated. Im proud of it, but I know its not a winner, but Im glad that this is done. SmeshBras123, I hope you liked it. And thats it.

See you later.

Mario x Meggy: The secret couple: (Contest For @ Smeshbros123)Where stories live. Discover now