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(Warning: This is a very wierd chapter, but you saw what I did already, so lets do this).

The couple decided to go home and rest after the event  at the school house. 

Meggy: Hey Red, im bored, got any ideas o what to do?

Mario: Hhmmmmmm. *lightbulb* Ooow, I got it!

Mario immediately threw off his clothes, and danced on a pile of  spaghetti, which made Meggy blush like crazy, but felt something warm up under her.

Meggy: Mario, you look better when your naked.

Mario: Thank you. You should try this. Its fun!

Meggy blushed even harder when she heard that, but she couldnt help it. Mario was going to start again, but he was suprised to see Meggy striping herself naked, than started to french kiss him. But he was happy about it to, and the two melted into it.

Meggy: Mario, your good at this, I wonder what other things you can do to me~.

Mario: Oh your very naughty, but I like it! Lets go upstairs and do this.

Mario carried Meggy bride still upstairs.

*Warning: Slight NSFW content in this*.

Once the couple made it upstairs, things got real.

Meggy: Now, lets see what you can really do.

Mario: Alrighty, lets a do this!

The two started kiss each other while mixing there seliva in and out, but eventually had to stop for air.

Meggy: Mario?

Mario: Yes?

Meggy grabed his hand and led them to one of her breast. He instantly fell into it.

Mario: Soo soft *starts sucking on them*.

Meggy: *moans softly* Mmmm.. Red, this feels amazing!

Mario began to suck on them even harder, making Meggy moan even harder.

Meggy: Red, im gonna-

Before she could finish, she squirted breast milk all over mario, but he gladly drank all of it.

Mario: Mmmmm. It tast like spaghetti!

Meggy: Im glad your happy!

The two then just cuddled each other for the rest of the day.

Man, I wish I could add more, but I dont want to make it off topic, so be greatful. Two more chapters to go.

See you later.

Mario x Meggy: The secret couple: (Contest For @ Smeshbros123)Where stories live. Discover now