The First Date

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Mario was getting ready for there first date. He took a shower, put on his favorite cologne, and was ready to go to a fancy restaurant..... Olive Garden.

Mario: I wonder where Meggy is.

Meggy: Right here sweety.

Mario looked around to see Meggy in the cute little dress:

Mario looked around to see Meggy in the cute little dress:

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Meggy: You like my new dress?

Mario: Mamma mia... you look beautiful.

Meggy: *blushes* Thank you, now lets go out.

The couple went to Olive Garden, where they where greeted by Anthony, who was there waiter.

Mario: Tony?!

Anthony: Oh, hey guys, welcome to Olive Garden.

Mario: You work here? I thought you didnt have a job.

Tony: Oh no, im only here to take over for someone that has a fever. But I am getting paid for this.

Mario: Well at least your working, im happy for you.

Toni: Thank you, and who is this?

Mario: This is Meggy, the most adorible girl ever.

Meggy: *blushing* Oh stop.

Tony: *laughs* You two make a cute couple.

Both: Thank you

Tony: Your welcome. So, would you like to order?6

Mario: Sure, can we share a vanilla shake please?

Tony: Sure. Be right back.

Tony went to go get the food, while They started to talk to each other.

Mario: Spaghetti is my favorite food, and after today, it will be yours too.

Meggy: I hope so.

25 minutes have passed, and Tony brough over a big plate of spaghetti.

Tony: Here you go. Bon appatite.

Tony left the table, and Meggy was admiring it.

Mario: I'll let you have the first bite.

Meggy took a little bite, and immediately, she ate more.

Meggy: I love it!!

Mario: I knew you would. Now lets dig in!

It took them 30 minutes to eat the entire thing of spaghetti.

Meggy: Im full, but it was worth it.

Mario: I know right? Now, lets pay amd go home.

They paid for their food, and went home. Unfortunately, Luigi was already in the house.

Mario: Aaww man, I knew this was gonna happen. But I have an Idea.

Mario got Meggy a change of clothes, and a tent for her to sleep in.

Meggy: Oh Red, you always do the nicest things for me.

Mario: Anything for you my love.

Mario went back in to the house for the night, while Meggy slept outside. But she didnt care, as long as she was with Mario, she was happy.

Wow, three chapters in one day. Alright, no more, im tired.

Mario x Meggy: The secret couple: (Contest For @ Smeshbros123)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora