Getting Concerned

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Luigi was hanging out at the castle with all the others, snd decided to bring something up that caught everyones attention.

Luigi: Hey guys, have you ever noticed that Mario and Meggy rarely hang out with us anymore?

The others stopped what they were doing, and realized he was right.

Tari: Your right, we havent heard from them in a while.

B.O.B.: ThIs WhOlE ThInG Is WeIrD. Me AnD BoOpKiNs ArE TrYiNg To WaTcH AnImE WiTh HeR, BuT ShE Is NoWhErE To Be FoUnD.

SMG4: Guys, stop trying to force her to do stuff she doesnt like. Tari likes anime, watch it with her.

B.O.B: HoLy ShIt, WhY DiDnT We ThInK Of ThAt BeFoRe!

Tari: Id love to, but Meggys not in Inkopolise.

SMG4: Wait! I have an Idea. Lets invite them over for a game of Smash each other in the ass bros.

Tari: Thats a great Idea glitchy!

Me: Wooo, a game? Count me in!

Everyone: Anthony?!

Me: Thats right!

SMG4: Alright, Lets tell them.

Thats it for now, Im starting my classes, so after that, another chapter

See you later.

Mario x Meggy: The secret couple: (Contest For @ Smeshbros123)Where stories live. Discover now