Jimin - Bus 44

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Warning: slight mentioning of rape

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Warning: slight mentioning of rape


Third person’s pov。

A shadow crossed the vast horizon, leaving trails of smog in its awake. The engine rumbled as the vehicle continued in heading to its destination.

The air was cold, leaves decorated the landscape. The bus traveled, with at least a dozen passengers aboard. The lady in the brown coat huffed a slight puff of air as she glanced out at the scenery changing beside her.

What a beautiful day today... I hope something nice will happen today.

Soeun chuckled as she shook her head before redirecting her focus back onto the path before her. She tightened her grip on the steering wheel as she continued on this bus journey that will take quite some time.

It hadn't been her shift, yet the kind-hearted lady couldn't reject her colleague's request. So there she was, being the driver of bus 44.

There was something blurry in a distance, she squinted her eyes as she saw a young lad jumping up and down, waving at the bus. The boy had a really petite yet lean figure, his eyes turned into wonderful eye smiles and the cap worn backwards on his head of fluffy brown hair.

Ahh... He is so handsome...

Soeun thought as she quickly tried to dismiss it, and opened the door for the young boy.

"How may I help you?" Soeun asked as she stared over at the boy standing gingerly on the steps.

"Ah. I'm sorry. I'm hoping if I can get a ride, I've been freezing out there for almost 2 hours." Jimin asked, his lips pulled into a pout and his hands shivered while handing her some money.

"Yeah sure." Soeun just smiled as she gestured for the boy to head further into the bus.

Jimin looked at the passengers on the bus, eyes scanning over the lack of seats. Some of the people on the bus just looked out the window, not even trying to take their belongings off the seats.

Feeling disappointed, Jimin just settled on standing beside the driver's seat.

"Thank you once again." Jimin bowed, expressing his gratitude.

"No problem, I'm just helping a fellow person." Soeun chuckled as she lightly shook her head, her eyes darting to the mirror above her, brows furrowing at how no one wanted to let the poor boy take a seat.

Clearing her throat, she raised her voice on purpose, "You should go take a seat right now, it's still a long way." Hearing her remark, a person finally cleared up a seat for Jimin.

Seeing the young lad sitting down, Soeun finally pressed down more firmly on the gas, as the bus sped up.

The bus coursed through what seems to be an endless stretch of trees and fields, the scenery soon became boring for Soeun. Stifling back a yawn, Soeun was startled when two men came into view.

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