Seokjin - Not Meant To Be

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Pt. 2 to Never Meant To Be~

Warning: timeline and plot might be messy but please bear with me:)

Third person's pov。

Jihye: 11 ; Seokjin: 15

Jihye sniffed as she hugged her little brother into her embrace, trying to provide him with the most body heat she could provide with.

The two siblings were huddled in a corner of the alley, their thin rags not enough to provide them with the warmth they need.

After their parents' deaths, they had no where to go and no one to depend on. Life was not looking good for them, especially they were still at such a young age.

Just then, it was as if lady luck was on their side, when a lady stood before them. She was like a light in their darkness, offering her own coat deslthe chilling cold. She was so kind to them, despite her status. She was the queen of the kingdom.

The queen had a small hut in the mountains where she would visit in her own time. That was her home after all, despite being married to the king, she still could not forget her roots as a peasant.

Heart wrenched at the sight of the siblings, she took them under her care. She brought them to her house where she provided them with food and warmth, acting as a motherly figure.

However, as the queen and a mother, she had her own responsibilities. She would go back to the palace, leaving the house in Jihye's care.

Often, when the queen would visit, she would teach some life skills to the young girl. Jihye's favourite moment was always watching the lady sew those beautiful handkerchiefs. She wasn't shy to ask the queen to be her teacher, and on some afternoons, they would just sit by the backyard, sewing to their hearts' content.

The queen would also talk about her own son, making the young girl look forward to meeting him one day. The village would also spread words about the crown prince, marking the queen's words of how wonderful the boy was.

However, good things never last, the queen had visited one day, her face a sickly colour.

She beckoned the girl over as she handed her a beautiful handkerchief with a purple butterfly embroidery.

"I'm sorry I can't watch you guys grow anymore. Jihye, you're a wise child. I'm sure you will be able to take good care of yourselves."

That day, the queen left as soon as she came.

The next day, the entire kingdom mourned for the death of a great queen.

Little Jihye had snuck down to the village where she watched as the royal people marched through the village, the king and the crown prince taking the lead, as they carried the queen's body to be buried in her favourite garden.

She saw how the crown prince cried as he walked slowly. Her heart ached.

"Jihye, I don't know if you will be able to meet my son but please, if you ever have the chance. Please take care of him."

"Trust me, my beloved queen. I shall take care of him with my life."

Jihye: 18 ; Seokjin: 22 ; Taehyung: 20

"Hyung." Taehyung smiled as he tried to cheer up his brother.

The crown prince had always been in a sour mood ever since their father revealed to them that Seokjin would be crowned on his 25th birthday a few weeks ago.

"Yes, Taehyung?" Seokjin sighed, as he rubbed his temples.

"Why are you so troubled?" The younger brother questioned.

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