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Unknown's pov。

Year 2045.

Fear. Confusion. Doubt. The only feelings that humans are capable of having now. In this society, or should I say planet Earth, demons lurk within us. Their skin, their structures, their behaviour are exactly like that of a human. They walk among us, camouflaging perfectly into human population. However, there a huge difference that distinct us two species apart.

The demons, feed on the human, the brains a particular favourite of all.

It was year 2040 when they invaded. It took merely a few years, before the civilisation took a 180 degree turn. Demons domain the world, they held the utmost rule, as humans succumbed to them in fear. They would randomly pluck humans off the streets, and they would end up as a magnificent cuisine. Their merciless killing and massive diet did not take long for half of humanity to be wiped out. Realisation dawned upon them that if they do not take measurements in controlling their diet, their energy source will soon go extinct.

With their extraordinary technology, it didn't take long for them to claim an entire land as their demon empire, where majority of demons roamed. Yet this place did not only serve as their nation, but also provided their food supply. Factories and farms, containing humans that are raised as cattle, are being churned out in large quantities each day. This continuous supply helps to satisfy most of the demons' cravings.

The demons have marked a devastating impact on human civilisation. And this earth will be their homeland.

I will be ending log #613 now.


Quenching my thirst with my wine glass beside me, I licked away the crimson liquid that leaked on the corners of my mouth. The salty iron taste lingered on my taste buds.

Placing a nicely cut piece of bloody meat into my mouth, a smirk tugged on the corners of my lips. The burst of flavours in my mouth sent a wave of sensations over me. It's not high quality human brain for nothing.

Of course, this invasion on Earth would not be as successful, had I not been their leader.

A/n: sorry for such a short chapter but this has been a new story idea. I'm wondering if I should write this into a new story, so do comment if you like this idea. 💜🥰

Also, this story idea is also inspired by the Japanese manga/anime 'the promised neverland', which is highly recommended to check it out!


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