Hoseok - sunshine

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Third person's pov。

"Why do you love sunflowers so much?"

14-year-old Hoseok had asked the girl squatting before the patch of the said bright yellow flowers.

"They are beautiful, and they cheer me up! Plus, I think of them as the sun that brings warmth to people."

She smiled, eyes soft as her frail fingers traced the fragile petals of the large flowers.

Hoseok, supporting himself in clutches, had once again found the girl among the stretch of sunflowers, that curiosity probed him into approaching her.

That's when friendship blossomed between them.

Not in the same school, they had decided to exchange numbers to keep in contact. And every once in a while, they would meet in the sunflower garden, to talk about anything and everything.

It was like the type of relationship that despite not seeing each other often, they felt comfort and ease with each other. Fortnightly or monthly meetings soon turned to weekly or even a few times a week.

"Hoseok! Do you want to hang out today?"

"No thanks! I'm busy later, sorry!" Hoseok just waved and bid goodbye to his friends.

Now 17, Hoseok had matured into someone that's more positive and cheerful, as motivated by his certain special person. The fellow would randomly dance around and his smile would definitely brightens one's day.

Beaming as he strolled down the streets, his feet brought him to the familiar place that he had been visiting for 3 years.

"Do you have sunflowers?" Hoseok asked, eyes hopeful as he visited the flower shop he always passed by.

"Sorry but we don't sell them." The florist apologised while attending to the other species of flowers packing the shop, "perhaps you can try some roses? They are perfect as a gift."

"Thank you, but I'll just try to find other shops. Do you happen to know any flower shops nearby?" Hoseok thanked the kind old lady politely, after given instructions to the few flower shops in town.

After visiting one after another flower shop, Hoseok was about to give up when he finally spotted one shop selling the flowers that he had been seeking for.

Uniform drenched, yet passion not diminished. Hoseok dashed towards the shop, the bell chimed annoyingly as he wobbled into the shop.

"May I have a bouquet of sunflowers?" Hoseok beamed.

"Y/N!" Hoseok shouted once he spotted the girl before a withering sunflower, fingers gripping the stalk gently towards her face as she took a sniff.

"Hobi." Her eyes crinkled up as she turned to face the cheerful boy that had unexpectedly entered her life a few years back, bringing happiness with him.

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Hoseok brought out the bouquet he hid behind his back and handed it over to Y/N, whose eyes sparkled upon the sight.

"Thank you, Hobi! These are amazing." Y/N blushed as she hugged the flowers towards her chest.

"Y/N. I've been wanting to tell you this. I like you, will you be my girlfriend?" Hoseok said straightforwardly with a serious face, his heart racing crazily as small droplets of sweat rolled down his forehead.

Surprised, Y/N's face turned a bright red, before a nod was all it took, to make Hoseok the happiest guy in the world.

"I love you." Hoseok mumbled as he back hugged the girl that fit perfectly into his embrace. Once again, at the sunflower garden, they had their date.

It was nothing too fancy or unique, yet it was the most special place to the two individuals that they gladly called theirs.

A few snacks and couple of drinks, were sufficient to the couple that would spend the entire day in each other's arms, sitting on the bench, as they listened to one another and the hearts beating as one.

"I love you too, my sunshine." Y/N smiled as she pecked Hoseok's lips dearly.

"Wait a minute, let me take a polaroid!" Hoseok jumped as he ran over to pick his camera and stationing himself before his girlfriend.

The shutter clicked and a joyous smile spread across his face as he waited for the film to reveal the shot that he had taken of his precious before the sunflowers.

"This turned out so well, Y/N! Come take a look-" Hoseok's eyes wandered up only to see her figure falling to the ground.

"Darling. I miss you." Hoseok smiled, his eyes sad as he placed the sunflowers that he had bought, into the vase at the corner table.

"Don't worry my precious. I'll be your sunshine. Forever and always." Hoseok grasped her hand into his, as he stroked her cheeks lovingly.

He watched as a tear slowly emerged from the corner of her eye before a shrill sound sliced the air. His lips parted in disbelief as tears of his own fell onto the white dull sheets.

Doctors rushed in and he was forced to leave. It wasn't the same now. His life wasn't going to be the same after this.

Not when his sun left him.

"Darling. I miss you." Hoseok smiled, his eyes sad as he placed the sunflowers that he had bought, onto the marble.

Sinking slowly to the ground, as he sat before the shiny marble that he tried to maintain the cleanliness. Caressing the photo tucked behind a slate of glass, the image showing one that smiled brightly.

His precious.

Cleaning away the weed that keeps growing around her areas, Hoseok told stories of his life. How he had decided to maintain a flower shop that especially sells sunflowers, after having stopped being a dance instructor, and how the business is going great.

It's often to see the man crouched over the grave as he cleaned while speaking fondly.

Huffing, as Hoseok leaned back to wipe the sweat off his forehead, his hair slicked back with some strands of white and silver. Smiling at his work, he leaned forward to caress the glass, his fingers lingering upon his dear's face.

"You're my sun. I'm your sunshine. Forever and always."

a/n: actually the sunflower garden is actually near a hospital. y/n is a regular patient and they met when hoseok had once fractured his leg. hoseok knows of her sickness yet accepts and loves her. then the day comes when y/n fainted and fall into a coma, before finally succumb to her illness.

i didn't really want to elaborate the back story so there's it.



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