Bts - Alone

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/pt.2 of — Alone./ enjoy~

third person's pov。

It's suffocating.

It felt as if Y/N was being pulled down into a deep abyss of pure darkness. Her frail fingers inched upwards, as she struggled to grasp at her surroundings but to no avail.

Ah... is this the end?

It wasn't the only fact that her best friends left her that pushed Y/N over the edge. It was a burden that accumulated over the years since she was little, the feeling of loneliness, despair,  that came to shape the depressed Y/N today.

"Y/N... please don't leave me." It was a familiar voice.

"Y/N. Please. You're all that we have."



She didn't know if it was just an imagination, but she wanted to just open her eyes and wake up to see her parents — the two figures that were hardly ever beside her — to just see if they're finally here by her side.

Slowly, little by little, she felt energy surged through her body, as she felt herself rising higher into the unknown, seemingly being exposed to a warm light.


Her finger twitched ever so slightly.



Her eyelid twitched so slightly, that it was almost unnoticeable.

Eyelids fluttering open, the sudden light blinded her, making Y/N shut them as quickly as possible. Slowly, Y/N found herself staring up at the dull white ceiling.

Soon, two worried yet relieved faces came into her field of vision, as her gazed darted between the very two persons that brought her into this world.

"Dad?... Mom?..."

Her hoarse voice croaked, as the two words rolled off her tongue with great difficulty, her throat and tongue feeling like dry sand paper that are desperately in need of moisture.

"Y/N!" Her mom's strained voice sounded with excitement as she hugged Y/N so tightly, as if her life depended on it.

Releasing Y/N from the bone-crushing hug, the girl that was clad in the hospital gown was faced with tears rolling down the elder's face.

"How could you...?" Her mother croaked, her slight wrinkly hands held Y/N's ones in a secure hold.

"We were so worried, Y/N. We came to the hospital as soon as possible when we were called." Her mostly expressionless father ruffled her hair in a careless manner before pulling her into his embrace.

"I- I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry..." Y/N choked on her own tears that had fell without her notice as she shifted her position before she bowed down before her parents.

Chanting her apologies repeatedly, Y/N hit her head against the floor in a repetitive manner, hoping to seek forgiveness from her parents, for as she had almost deed a great sin of taking her own life.

She felt pathetic for her foolishness, for wanting to take her own life when it was granted by her loving parents. The guilt and remorse weighed down heavily on her when she first woke up to see her parents so worried for her.

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