Leed: Get-Together

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"Can you two get a room?"

I look up from Cyrus' warm, brown eyes to give my best friend Reed an icy glare. "Perhaps later," I retort. "Right now, we're at a park and I'm going to make out with my boyfriend if you'll just shut up."

Reed sighs and looks up at the sky, probably deep in thought about weed or girls. I don't know. I turn back to Cyrus and grin at him, leaning back in to kiss him. He gently puts his hand out to stop me. "Can I talk to you, sweetheart?" Cyrus whispers gently into my ear. I nod and give him a confused glance in return. "Let's go," I reply before leading us away from the picnic table.

"Did you want to kiss somewhere more secluded?" I ask deviously, already leaning in for another kiss. Cyrus laughs but shakes his head before giving me a quick kiss. "I'm worried about Reed. He's been...I don't know, weird lately."

"He's Reed. He's always weird," I remind Cyrus with a laugh. "But I do know what you mean. He's been really irritable lately. Like he can't stand to see us together." Cyrus nods his head and his eyebrows knit together. "Do you think you should talk to him? You're his best friend," Cyrus says after careful thought. "Isn't playing 'therapist' more of your thing, baby?" I ask in response. Cyrus laughs in return and shrugs. "Sure, I guess." He starts to walk back towards the table to carry out his mission.

"Um...what about our make-out session?" I call out. Of course, Cyrus just shakes his head and keeps walking.


I approach the table that TJ, Reed, and I were all sitting at, but stop dead in my tracks when I notice Reed staring off into the distance. I turn my gaze to meet where his is traveling, and I notice that Reed is looking at a brunette boy with a wide smile and slender frame. The boy is talking and laughing with a group of friends, and I notice that Reed looks gloomy. Almost as though he's...yearning for something.

"Why are you two staring at Lester?!" TJ practically screams out. Reed and I both break out of our dazes, and I roll my eyes at TJ, who smiles innocently back at me. "How long have you been here?" Reed asks me accusingly. "And I'm not looking at Lester. That's...that's..."

"Gay?" TJ asks with a laugh. He huffs when I smack his arm in return. "What? I'm literally the gayest of the gay; therefore I'm allowed to call out someone else's gayness. Duh," he retorts. I shove him playfully, and Reed looks at TJ with a panicked expression.

"I'm not gay!" he exclaims, earning attention from not only me but Lester and his group of friends, too. "Shh, Lester is looking over here!" TJ hushes. "I don't like Lester, and you can shut up. I need to leave, now," Reed replies hurriedly. He takes off quickly, leaving TJ and I alone.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I ask TJ excitedly. He nods his head and grins knowingly. "We go make out!"

"No...I swear you have a one-track mind, Teej. We need to get Lester and Reed together!" I clap my hands together and watch TJ's expression move from confused, to excited, and back to confused. "How do we do that...?" he asks worriedly. "Well, I'll help Reed work on expressing his feelings a little better...and you could talk to Lester! Maybe see where the two of them stand, and see if Lester might have some feelings for Reed. We won't know unless we try."

TJ looks at me with a doubtful expression. I give him my best puppy-eyes in return. "Please...?" TJ sighs as he kisses my nose. "For you, muffin, I'll do anything. Just give me a couple of days, okay?"


"So, Lester, my dude. How's, uh, life?"

Lester and I are playing Nintendo Switch at his mom's house, and Cyrus' plan was just beginning to register in my mind. Lester gives me a weird look. "Life is fine...are you okay, dude?"

"Yeah, man. Just making sure you're good. So, uh, you and Reed have been friends for a while...You two are really close." I clasp my fingers together, unsure of how to continue this conversation without scaring Lester off...or potentially forcing him out of the closet.

"Yeah, he's been my best friend for years. You know that! You know literally everything, TJ."

"Yeah, so, you must think he's pretty cool..."

Why am I so awkward?

"He's very cool...and sweet, and funny, and cute. I've only had a crush on him for the past 4 years; you know that, TJ. I literally tell you every time we're together. And you call yourself 'King of the Gays'? Please, as if."

Suddenly, it hits me. Lester has had a crush on Reed for 4 years. He just never bothered to say anything because he was worried that Reed wouldn't like him back and it would ruin their friendship.

"I think now is the time to shoot your shot, my dude," I say in response, ignoring the fact that I totally forgot about my gay best friend liking my other best friend. "I think Reed really, really likes you." Lester looks at me with hope and concern lacing his expression. "Are you messing with me, dude?! You'd better not be messing with me."

"No, no, Cyrus and I have reason to believe that Reed really likes you. I think Cyrus is talking to him today, actually. We should go over and see them!"

"No, we should go over to The Spoon. It's less...private and awkward that way," Lester states, to which I nod in agreement.


"Reed, you know I'm here for you. You have to go at your own pace," I explain carefully. Reed nods slowly, tears starting to form in his eyes. "It's just so scary," he responds. "It's difficult to understand exactly what I am. All I know for sure is that I like Lester. And I want to tell him, but I'm so scared that he'll reject me."

I take Reed's hands in mine and pull him in for a tight hug. "Hey, it's okay. You go at your own pace, okay? There is no rush. And if Lester isn't the One, then I know Fate, or God, or the Universe, or whatever you believe in...will provide."

My phone buzzes and I read the text I've received from TJ.

"Or...we go at Lester's pace and meet him at The Spoon with TJ?" I say excitedly. Reed looks up at me with a blank stare, looking me right in the eyes. "What are you talking about?!"

"Lester likes you," I confirm. "And he wants to meet you at The Spoon...like, now."

Reed practically springs out of his seat. "Why haven't we left yet? Let's go!"


"So, you've liked me for 4 years?" Reed asks Lester in disbelief. "And you've liked me this whole time?" Lester asks in return. Both boys nod at each other, eyes wide in excitement. The reach across the table and intertwine their fingers, Cyrus and I both smiling wildly from the next table over. 

"So, are you...?" Lester begins. Reed shakes his head and shrugs. "I don't really know, yet," Reed explains. "But I want to be with you no matter what. That's what I know for sure."

Lester smiles and nods in agreement. "Then let's be together and make up for all of the lost time."

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