They entered the portal and Doreen closed it quickly. She was in her normal outfit, her crown and wings gone. "Well, that is where the Mistress of all Evil was raised." Shane removes his mask."I cannot, for the life of me, understand why anyone would stay there," he says. "Most of us Dark Fairy Witches are just like my parents. Dark, twisted and evil. Me and Veronika were different. Veronika just hid it better and tried to act evil. She didn't want to be a disappointment. I couldn't have cared less," Doreen explained. "Yeah," says Shane. "Guess we gotta go back to the cabin and give Adrianna her magic."

   Shane summons a portal to the cabin. "I sure hope that this is an easy task." "If it is, I'd be surprised," Doreen said. Shane smiles. "Seems like things are only gonna get harder from here," he says. Shane and Doreen walk through the portal. Claytin was there boxing up some things. When he noticed them he gave a small smile. "You get it?" "Mission accomplished," says Shane. "Where's Adri?" "Good question. With Clara, call her," Claytin explained, "She left before I could ask where she was going." Shane looks at Doreen. "We called it. Things got harder," he says, taking out his phone. He calls Clara. "We got Adrianna's magic. Where are you?" "At the house now. She locked herself in her room, my old one, and won't listen to me. I think the whole magi business is stressing her out. She is asking for you every five minutes though so you might want to come," Clara said. "Alright. We'll be there soon as possible," says Shane. He hangs up and takes Doreen's hand. "Let's hope this works."

   He snaps his fingers and he and Doreen are instantly teleported to the house. "Alright. We'll be there soon as possible," says Shane. He hangs up and takes Doreen's hand. "Let's hope this works." He snaps his fingers and he and Doreen are instantly teleported to the house. Clara came up to them. "Upstairs, first door on the left, you'll hear her muttering," She said. Shane and Doreen rush up the stairs. "Adrianna, we're back," says Shane. Her door unlocked and she opened it some, "Only Shane right now..." she said quietly. Shane walks into the room. "What's on your mind, Adri? Feeling stressed out?" His voice is gentle and soothing to help Adrianna calm down. "If I didn't take them... would you be disappointed in me?" she asked. Shane sighs and removes his cap. "Honestly, yeah. I'm assuming that you don't want your magic back?" Adrianna bit her lip. "I really don't. Mama told me you said your voodoo is a part of who you are. And I am guessing that means, my old mama's magic is part of who she is. But I never had my magic, maybe only for a few minutes after I was born. I know I am under mature and won't mature as fast as others but... I don't know, it's like that part is who I am. Do I sound crazy?" Shane chuckles. "In most cases, yeah. But given our current circumstances, you make a lot of sense," he says. "I don't know who I'd be without my voodoo, so I'm too scared to lose it. But you? Well, you're already so great on your own. It doesn't take much to know that you'll be even greater with your magic." "But I won't be me, and I don't know how to control it or anything about it. All I know is it's like Maleficent's... yes, I've been eavesdropping some. I am willing to keep it around but I don't know if I want my magic in me just yet... I don't think I am ready..." Adrianna sighed biting her lip. "I understand. It's your choice to make, Adri," says Shane. "But don't forget my offer. If you ever decide to accept your magic, I'll teach you how to grow accustomed to it." "Why does it matter so much? If I have it or not?" Adrianna asked, "Does it have something to do with what's going on with mama?" "Unfortunately, Adrianna, there's some things that I don't really know the answer to," says Shane. "But I do have something to tell you about her." "What is it?" Adrianna asked concerned. "Your father made a deal with her. He helps her get your magic, and she has to stay with him in the Soul Realm," Shane explains. "Unfortunately, there was no condition saying that you had to accept your magic. But you'll have to say goodbye to your mother forever. I'm afraid that you won't see her again, regardless of what you decide." He hugs her tightly. "We talking about Dorleen mama, not Clara mama I'm guessing..." Adrianna said. Shane nods. "I know that you and Doreen aren't exactly on the best of terms right now, but she did so much just to get your magic. You'd make her proud, Adri," he says. "I knew all this, my old papa told me before you came. He said he had to go before anyone noticed he was here," Adrianna said. "That guy can't keep his mouth shut," says Shane, rolling his eyes. "Is that why you locked yourself in here?" Adrianna nodded. "He didn't hit me for change. He was gently too, it was weird." Shane smiles slightly. "Do you think he regrets everything he did to you? Or maybe something else?" "You'd have to ask old mama, she knew him when he wasn't a big meanie. I mean, I also have to say goodbye to her so yeah..." Adrianna said. "You want me to call her inside?" Shane asks. Adrianna nodded. "Doreen, you can come in!" Shane calls. Doreen came in. She went over to Adrianna and handed her the vial with her magic. "Keep it safe, you don't want to lose it." "You have to go?" Adrianna asked. "I do, but at least we can say goodbye now and I have a gift for you." She closed her eyes and a bit a rumble went through the house. She then took off her red amulet and put it on Adrianna. "I talked to Clara and she agreed. My collection is here now. That way you can go down whenever you want without having to go to our old house. There is no longer a code, the amulet is the key." "Does this mean the collection is..." "Yep, it's yours now." Shane hugs Doreen. "I'm gonna miss you," he says. "It's gonna be really tough sending you back to the Soul Realm. I've never had to do that before." He looks at Adrianna. "Also, I'll release Iven from his eternal punishment. He's earned it. Just be sure to keep him in check, okay?" "Oh, trust me, I will be getting my husband back. Just don't send Claude too soon," Doreen says. "Frollo will be lucky if I even send him there for eternal punishment," says Shane. Doreen nodded. She went and hugged Adrianna. "I love you." "I love you too..." Doreen looked to Shane, "I'm ready to confront my husband and sister." Shane sits on the floor and focuses, opening the gateway to the Soul Realm. "Hey, Iven! Wherever you are, come over here. Time for you to go back," he says. Adrianna went behind Shane as Iven appeared. "At least I'll have my wife this time," he said crossing his arms. "Just a heads up, Doreen's got her magic now. And I know she won't hesitate to use it on you," says Shane. "I'll be sending Doreen to the surface of the Soul Realm. That's where all the good souls go. Iven, you're staying in the third level until Doreen decides that you're good enough for the surface." He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "And Trash Bucket. Thanks for your help." "Well, just make sure Claude doesn't win the..." Iven started saying before looking over to Adrianna and stopping. "He has plans and some, some involve you Facilier." Iven's statement makes Shane feel uneasy. "Whatever it is, I'll be ready to face him," he says. "You might want Clara to be facing him when he tries, you won't want to be around," Iven said before taking Doreen's hand and entering the Soul Realm. Shane opens his eyes. "Right, then. I'll need some help of my own," he says. Adrianna gave Shane a hug, "Mama would rather die than let something happen to you, she told me. Also told me not to tell you but meh." Shane smiles. "Don't worry. Our little secret," he whispers. He puts his finger over his lips. "Do you want to see the collection?" Adrianna asked. "I don't see why not. I could use some relaxation," says Shane, standing up. 

   Adrianna led him down until she found the new basement door. "You still need to unpack!" Clara called after her. "I will later!" Adrianna called back. Taking off her amulet, she put it a hole that was the exact same size as the amulet. The door swung open, and the amulet fell into her waiting hand. She rushed down the stairs to the collection. Shane follows behind her. "Let's see what's in this collection," he says. Adrianna went over to the voodoo dolls and found one. "You can have one, she had two of the same kind." Shane squeals with excitement and swiftly takes the voodoo doll. Adrianna smiled and went onto a drawer until she pulled out a small bracelet. "This is for Charlene. Again, she had two. All she has to do is imagine something, and it is made out of thin air. For example..." Adrianna put it on and suddenly, a small necklace with silver journal charm on it appeared. "This is for Tina. The charm is magical. It can grow and turn into a real book so she can write down recipes." Adrianna handed him the gifts. "My old mama has one in here so I justed created a second one with the bracelet if that wasn't clear." Shane takes the bracelet and the necklace. "I'll be sure to give these to Charlene and Tina," he says. "Anyways, if you don't break anything, you can look around and examine them. I know you like these sorts of things." Shane nods. "Thanks, Adri. And I'm sorry about Doreen and Iven. I wish I could have done something." "I don't. They would have taken me away from mama and papa. And I moved on if they stayed and took me away? I don't think things would have gone well. I am happy how it all ended," Adrianna said, "And I got to say goodbye, that's all I really wanted." "Alright," says Shane. "Well, I should get going back to New Orleans. Charlene and I have some wedding planning to do. Until we meet again." Adrianna nodded. "Okay, but remember, the basement has a magic protection thingy. Whenever you want to come, you're going to need to contact me so I can open it." Shane snaps his fingers and disappears. 

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