thirty eight

461 12 0

"Musical geniuses"


time skip bc idk what to write ...

A few weeks ago we had finished school completely. Brendon and I are now officially dating, and I couldn't be more happier about that, as sappy as that sounds.

Bren, Tyler, Josh, Ryan, the MCR boy's and I were all laying in a field somewhere in a clearing hidden within the woods.

None of us were talking, we all just took in each other's presence and enjoyed the comfortable silence.

"So, what now?" Tyler asked, turning onto his stomach and resting on his elbows.

"What do you mean?" Ry questioned as we all copied Tyler's movement to see each other.

"Like, what do we do now that we've finished school? Are any of us going to college, or are we going to do something different, you know?" Tyler shrugged as he explained.

"What are everyone's plans, basically?" Josh chuckled.

"Yeah, that." Tyler sighed.

"I want to continue with the band, hopefully we can get somewhere some day.." Brendon trailed off in thought.

"I'm up for that; I absolutely love the band." Ryan smiled.

"Josh and I wanna start looking for a record deal or something... do you guys think we can make it?" Tyler mumbled.

"Of course you can! Every one of you guys are actual musical geniuses, you're all gonna make such a difference." I smiled at all of the boys around me, who all returned the gesture.

"Well, My Chem is starting to get somewhere. We finally got a record deal!" Mikey smiled widely.

"We have a meeting with them soon, and then soon after that we'll be able to officially record our first album." Gerard added, almost in a day dream state.

"When someone asks who your biggest fan is someday, this goes to all of you, you asses better say that it's me." I giggled.

All the boys laughed and nodded before silence over took us again. Everyone had a plan, but me. I didn't know where I wanted to go in life or what I wanted to do. I was just there.

"What about you, y/n/n?" Frank asked.

"I don't know... I can't do anything musical like you guys can." I sighed.

"Yes you can! You're voice is amazing and you can play nearly any instrument that you can get your hands on." Brendon protested.

"I really don't know, it's not like I have any friends to start a band with and I sure as hell do not have the confidence to be solo."

"What if you don't have to go solo? You could join one of us... we'll find a place for you somewhere." Ray thought.

"Backing vocals?" Ryan suggested.

"An extra guitar or bass player?" Mikey added.

"A second lead singer?" Gerard.

"Pianist?" Tyler.

"Another drummer, perhaps as a drum battle type thing?" Josh.

"Unless you do photography..." Brendon whispered.

"Nonono, I'm terrible at that!" I shook my head quickly.

"That's actually not a terrible idea, no, you're outstanding at it!" Ryan quickly added.

"Remember when you took photos for us? Those were absolutely amazing!" Ray smiled.

"Yeah! Seriously, y/n you're so good at photography. Even then you could still do some parts in a few songs or whatever." Tyler sat up quickly, leaving the rest of us to copy.

"You know what.. that doesn't sound too bad." I smiled thoughtfully.

Maybe I did have a purpose, being with these guys were my purpose. I was sure of that.


A/N; hey, the next chapter may be the last. These are my few last ideas for this story, I really wanna start something new which I'll give more details about after I complete this book!

I'm so glad you guys have enjoyed this x

sweetie • Brendon Urie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now