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"She needs you."


Ryan's POV
I was talking to my music teacher as Patrick ran up to me and tapped my shoulder. He looked panicked so I quickly asked what was wrong. After he had briefly explained I began panicking and ran to the canteen, Patrick shortly running after me. All I had on my mind was y/n. Whilst running I saw Brendon and his other friends, once he saw me he began laughing which I was confused at, but at the moment I was too focused on worrying about my sister to think of anything else. I soon reached the canteen, y/n looked at me weakly before her eyes closed.

I rushed over to her, placing her head on my lap. I looked up at Pete and Patrick as a "help me move her" which they somehow understood what I meant. They both nodded before pulling y/n's limp body up, allowing me to stand up before picking up my sister bridal style. We all rushed to the cars and sped to my house. The boys and I ran out of our cars and opened the door, rushing my sister up to her room. I sent Pete down to grab an ice pack for y/n, soon enough he returned with the ice pack and placed it on y/n's head.

"What happened?" I sighed.

"Well, a few minutes after you left Sarah and Brendon walked over to us three and pulled y/n down to the floor. Sarah started shouting at y/n, accusing her of staring at Brendon and smashed y/n's head into a chair which caused her head to bleed. After that Sarah pulled y/n's hair and threw her down to the floor and kicked her stomach before leaving with Brendon." Pete explained.

Anger overtook me. I stood up and walked over to the desk chair in y/n's room, without thinking I kicked it as hard as I could. Hurting my foot and breaking the chair in the process.

"Ryan, calm down. Please. We'll deal with this later, right now your sister is laying there unconscious, she needs you." Patrick states calmly.

I took a deep inhale before slowly exhaling. I walked back over to my sister, sitting on her bed next to her hopping that she would soon wake up. I placed my hand on hers and rubbed small circles on the back of her hand.

sweetie • Brendon Urie x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now