Part 7: Snow fall

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Me: "It is quite simple. Always be good, don't hurt faunas, and always smile. Before I forgot, I am (Y/N) (L/N). I am the one who keep you father busy at night, and his nightmare. I have done so many terrible things children, I only hope that I never have to show you it. If you ever need Help
Weiss, please contact me with this." I pull out my card

Weiss: "Why are you giving it to me? Please tell me why?" I carefully take my card. She full of fear.

Me: "I seen your eyes. It tell me that you are scared or tired of being treated like this. Whitley you are just like your father, so I don't care much about you, you are easy to control if press the right buttons." I look at Weiss "Now for you. It is going to be hard, but why would I do that when he is doing it to you. Your own father. I would like to know what it like to be you. Maybe teach you a thing or two about fighting up for yourself."

Her head was lifted and her eyes have sparks in her eyes. I know I did the right thing there.


I awoke in a familiar room. It was something I hope to never go to again.

I awoke in a familiar room. It was something I hope to never go to again. It was a dark room with a king size dark red bed.

I look over to see that I am tired in a chair. This is just some Déjà vu. I then heard a door open and then closes. I panic, Please tell me that this not who I think this is.

???: "Hey there, you stud. I have waited to see you again."

Yep it is. It is the girl Ada Taurus, a crazy chick who never kill any girl that remotely like me and also kidnap me on a daily basis.

Me: "Hey Ada. Are you still mad at me for last?"

Ada: "No I am not" she sat on my laps "You just did what you thought was a good idea. But I might punish you."

She dug a nail into my back. Her eyes became full with hearts. I try to scream only for her to kiss me, exploring my mouth. I only fall into it due to old habits. Damn, I remember when I first meet her.

2 YEARS AGO - - -

I get caught dealing with the White Fang (Before you met Seinna Khan). I got in a cell with a male bull faunas, he have red hair, Grimm mask that cover his upper face, black coat. I still wear my suit, but lost me hat. We were both handcuff, I sat down on a slab of metal off to the side of the bed.

Using my semblance it got off the cuffs and summon my scroll, I was bored. I play a random game. Sometime pass while I play a shooter game.

Me: "Hey, bastard. That hacking!" I then throw my scroll to the wall.

I lay down on the bed and close my eyes.

???: "Hey!" said a masculine voice. "How you got out your cuffs."

I then got up and open my eyes. I turn to the bull. I stand up and look him straight in the eyes. He back up from my sudden movement. He try to grab something to his side, but felt nothing. Must be reflex.

I turn snap my fingers, and come in several Atlas soldiers (that who owns the prison). The aim theirs guns at him. I turn walk up to him and grab his cuffs. I then make the shadow of the cuffs to break it by breaking the atoms. He was shock for someone who just broke a item that cancel semblance.

I then turn around make the soldiers vanish, door closes, and lay on the bed again. I want to sleep, I am bored.

I then felt something tugging on my shirt. I then was lifted into the air to see the bull again, anger. He is acting like a girl, I wonder what he look like when he is. I chuckle to myself.

Thus they came for me? (RWBY Harem X Male Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum