Chapter 11

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Rayna’s POV

“So Rayna, What was it that brought you to this orphanage all of a sudden?”

I pause the bite I was about to take, leaving it centimeters from my mouth. After a moment of silence, I can hear them yelling at Connie. I stare at the table while they’re yelling.

“Connie, you fuck, why would you ask something like that?!”

“Come on Jean, I know you want to know too!”

I look up and see that Sasha is in line to get seconds. I wonder what she’s getting.  She has a ton of food stacked up on the plate, it’s hard to tell. Maybe those are some eggs; maybe they are some hash browns.

“Guys, that’s not acceptable at all. I’m sure there are things we would all like to forget. Just drop it.”

“Marco’s right, guys, leave my roommate alone, you don’t know what she might have been through.”

And with that, I drop my fork, push out of my chair and head towards an exit. Why would they just talk about me like I’m not even there? Are they all seriously that ignorant?

“Rayna! Wait!” I hear Silva shout. I keep on walking, and I can feel multiple pairs of eyes bore into the back of my head. The quick pattering of footsteps tells me that someone is going after me, so I pick up the pace, now speed-walking, yet I still have halfway to go till I reach the exit, where ever it may lead me.

 Suddenly, my arm is grabbed, sending shots of pain up to my injured shoulder. I wince, jaw clenching so hard I feel as if my teeth will break from the pressure, and I double over, clutching at my shoulder. But of course, because I wasn’t thinking, doubling over so fast made my back pains resurface. I feel myself grow cold, and I shoot a glare at the culprit who decided it was a great idea to grab at me like that.

It turns out that it was Silva, and my glare must have been murderous, considering that I made her flinch back. I see black come into my vision, and the fleeting thought of ,“Oh shit am I going to pass out again?” is erased when I remember that when I passed out last, it wasn’t with this same sensation.

This felt different, I could feel something cold and slick sliding in my body, almost as if whatever this was, was in my veins and flesh, and I notice that the black I was seeing was in wisps, floating around me in big circles.

I’m making an educated guess, and I think it’s safe to assume that this involves my aura abilities. This is the most of an aura I’ve ever seen. I’ll have to tell Gabriel later on.

I struggle to stand up a bit straighter, but I manage to do it. Silva takes a hesitant step forward, but I stop her before she says anything.

“Don’t. Come. Near. Me.” I growled.

I rush out of the cafeteria, and all I see is some hallways, and a stair case. Going up the stair case would be a good idea, right? I rush up to the third floor, hoping to see a familiar hallway.

This one looks like the boys hallway I was last in. How many rooms were in this building? I keep on turning corner after corner, no idea where I am. My frustration keeps on growing and growing, it seems like the angrier I get, the more my bones lock in place, straining my shoulder. I’m looking at the ground, walking quickly, and then I crash into something.

I fall to the ground, holy shit how fast was I going and I look up to see a blonde boy getting up. He looks at me; he has blue eyes and a button nose that could only be described as cute.

“Oh my gosh, are you alright?” he sees me clutching my shoulder, and I look to the side, spotting some books on the ground. He must have been reading and walking at the same time. I must look pathetic right now.

“I’m fine. Sorry about your books.” I try to stand up, but he rushed to my side to help me up.

“Here, let me help. I’m Armin.” He picks up his books as I reply.

“I’m Rayna. Sorry about crashing into you like that, I was irritated and I wasn’t looking where I was going.” He smiles at me and laughs a little bit.

“It’s fine, people get mad sometimes, it’s a human reaction.” His face turns a little worrisome.

“Are you sure you’re fine though? You should get your shoulder checked out by Doctor Hanji, let’s go.” I start to follow him, seeing as I have nothing else to do, and I have a shitty shoulder. After a bit, I start thinking of what he just said.

“Wait, Doctor who?” I inquired.

“Doctor Hanji. Yeah, I know, it’s an unusual name, but there are so many different sorts of nationalities of the people here, it’s… comforting.” While Armin is looking so peaceful after saying that, I think of the name. Hanji. That’s the same name that Levi said in my dream! The girl with brown hair and glasses.

Armin holds open a door from a hallway that looks familiar.

“Ladies first.” He said with a shy smile. As I walk towards him to enter, I can feel my stomach doing flip-flops, and some heat rise onto my cheeks. He tells me to sit down once we enter, and I notice that there is only one other person in the waiting room right now.

While Armin’s talking to the person working there, (Since I have no idea what I would even say) I study the person near me.

He must be a couple years older than me, considering how muscular he is. Maybe he religiously plays a sport of some sort. He has brown hair that reaches his smooth eyebrows, and bright blue eyes. I start to wonder what he’s in here for, when I notice that he is clutching at… his shoulder. Wow. What are the chances of running into someone that has a similar problem?

He notices me looking at his shoulder, and looks at my shoulder. It’s funny, really, considering our positions are the exact same, clutching and bent over in pain.

He looks me in the eyes, and I hold his stare. It’s quiet for a few moments, but then he starts to chuckle. And the chuckling turns to laughter.

I start laughing too.

Because sometimes, that’s the only thing you can do.

Hey guys.

I haven’t updated this since August and I am deeply sorry. I started highschool in September, (plus that was the month I wrote the update for my other story) and then October came.

October was a hard month for me.

Buuuuut I like to turn my hurt and painful emotions into good writing. I’ve been inspired to write more updates, and there’s a writing contest at my school and the winner gets $1000 so I’m game. I’ll post that one when the contest is over. It’s supposed to be about change.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, I really love Armin in this ^.^ more to come soon!

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