Chapter 6

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Rayna’s POV



That’s all I could hear.

Gabriel and I were the only ones just sitting there, not doing anything. My face felt strained, and my back felt tight. My back hurt, and I thought I felt something slightly move over my back bones. The plane jostled again, and the lights flickered for a second. This, of course, brought on another scream from everyone.

I looked out the window and saw rain pouring down like no tomorrow, we were in the clouds. I was really confused as to why this storm suddenly happened, but hey, here we are. My gazed at the wing outside, and couldn’t help but notice that black smog was coming through. It didn’t take an expert to know that the wing was no longer able to work. It shook from the rain pelting down in it, and then the black smog started to go away. The left wing was no longer working.

The pilot went on the intercom.

“Oi, everyone stop your screaming and crying. I’ll make sure you are all safe. My Co-pilot, Erwin, will be taking control of the plane for a couple of minutes. I won’t be able to do anything with you brats shitting your pants.”

I was surprised by the vulgar-ness of our pilot, but it seemed to work, the plane was now a bit quieter.

The pilot stepped out and went towards the intercom, bumping into the strawberry blonde haired stewardess when the plane rumbled again.

“Hello everyone, I am Captain Levi.”

Levi was surprisingly short, yet you could tell right away that he was built, despite his height. He wore an emotionless face, and that seemed to set everyone off again.

“Captain, how could you be so calm?!”

“Captain, aren’t you supposed to be flying this thing?!”

“Yeah, what are you doing out here Captain?!”

“Are you just going to let us die?!” Captain Levi looked like he was getting annoyed by everyone screaming in his face.

“Oi, everyone calm down, this will all go faster if everyone shuts up.”

A man from the middle row stood up, and walked slowly to Levi, clutching onto the seats to help him walk without falling over.

“Why aren’t you flying this plane? You left it to a Co-pilot who probably doesn’t even know what he is doing!”

“Erwin knows what he is doing, hell, he could fly a plane with only one arm, I trust him. And you should too.” Levi looked down-right pissed, and stalked over to the man; they met right in the middle.


He never finished the sentence, because the plane split in half.

I have no idea how, but it just did.

The front part of the plane fell down, while the back part where Gabriel and I were, continued to glide in the air. The man got sucked out into the air, as well as a couple other people sitting in the middle part, and Levi got thrown to the very back of the plane. Before his body could hit anything, a different stewardess caught him. The air streaming into the back part of the plane was so loud; you had to scream to be heard.

“Thank you, Hanji!” Levi stood up and grabbed Hanji’s elbow to help her up.

“Levi, we have to sit down, quick!”

Levi looked around and spotted one open seat up ahead.

“You sit up there; I’ll find somewhere else to sit!” He pushed her forward before she could answer.

“Rayna, sit down properly, you’re just going to hurt yourself more if you are turned like that!” Gabriel had a frantic look in his eyes, obviously worried about me. My body was turned almost all the way around, staring at Levi. I looked beside Gabriel and noticed that the seat next to him was open. I looked back towards Levi, and we locked eyes.

“Captain Levi! Over here! There’s an open seat! Hurry!” Grabbing onto the seats for support, he ran towards our section, but tripped as the overhead baggage fell down. I got out of my seat, running towards him, ignoring Gabriel’s screams telling me to stop. I grabbed onto Levi’s hand, pulling him up.

It was at that moment that the back part of the plane decided to turn, shifting everyone not in their seats into the air. I clutched onto Levi, and he put his arms around me, holding us close so we stay together. His black hair was flailing wildly, and he looked to me. We were exactly the same height.

I looked into the plane and saw Gabriel unbuckling his seat belt, surging into the air, towards Levi and I. Halfway in the air; he realized he wouldn’t make it to us. He was too far away, we were higher up.

“Rayna! If you want to save him, release your wings!” We were still falling, in the middle of the air. Wings? What wings?

“Turn your head, Rayna, look at your back. The energy in your back, that’s your wings. You have to let it take physical form! It’s already forming; it was forming without you even realizing it!”

It all made sense now.

The burning? It was the energy.

When did it start to burn more? When I touched Gabriel.

Gabriel. Just how much did he know?

Was that what I felt earlier, the shifting over my back? Wing bones?

“Ok Gabriel, I’ll try…”



“Wake up.”

Sorry it took so long to update this, and sorry for the cliff-hanger. It's getting good, isn't it? Tell me what you think in the comments! I hope you enjoyed this chapter C:

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