Chapter 7

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Rayna’s POV

Wake up.”


“Wake up!” A woke up to my shoulder being shook.

“Rayna, are you ok?” Gabriel had a distressed look on his face.

“It seemed like you were having a nightmare…”

“A nightmare?” So all of that was just a dream? But it all felt so real…

I look around, we were still on the plane, and it was in fact not split in half, and a look outside the window confirmed that there was no storm, rain, or anything.

“We are about to land in Colorado and I wanted to wake you up before the plane touched the ground so we could get off quicker, and that was when I realized you looked scared, you were frowning and your eyebrows were scrunched up.”

“O-oh, well thanks for waking me up…”


After the plane landed we got off and started walking towards the exit, we didn’t need to stop to get any big luggage, Gabriel just had his carry-on.

We walked up to a silver jeep and Gabriel put his carry-on in the back seat while I got in the front seat. He came and sat up front with me, turning on the jeep and pulling out of his parking spot.

“I’m going to take you to the adoption place now. Some of my friends work there, and I visit them there sometimes whenever I can leave my office.”

“You have lots of friends, don’t you?” I chuckled.

“I guess I’m just a friendly person, I guess. I met most of them in high school and college. We were all interested in very similar things, so I get to see them often with work, and the ones I don’t work with, I visit them. I always find time for them.”

“So, I’m going to be seeing you a lot at the adoption place?”

“Yes. Also, earlier I was texting the adoption center owner, which is one of my friends, and I think you should know that when you get there you are going to be sharing a room with someone. It’s mandatory for everyone, something about not being completely isolated…”

“That’s fine, I don’t mind at all.”

“Oh, I forgot to ask you, what was your nightmare about?”

I told Gabriel everything that happened in that nightmare of the plane crash, even describing the people that I saw on the plane that weren’t there in real life, adding the names to the imaginary faces.

“…and it’s weird because in the dream, one stewardess had strawberry blonde hair and white skin, but when I woke up, the stewardess had brown hair and was black!”

I turned to Gabriel and noticed that he seemed really interested in all of this, asking questions every now and then, even asking how the imaginary people acted to others, bursting out laughing when I told him about how Captain Levi was being very blunt and vulgar to the passengers.

“Ok Rayna, we’re here.”

Gabriel turned into the parking lot of the adoption center. The adoption center itself was pretty big, the outside having brown bricks leading all the way to the top, 4 floors, with what I’m guessing is a big space on the very top of the roof.

“Your sleeping schedule might be messed up ever since the hospital, you were in there for a day mainly just sleeping, and you fell asleep on the plan too.”

“I’ll get back to a good pace of things. I always do.” I smiled slightly at Gabriel as we started to go inside of the building. He led me down a couple of hallways, stopping in front of a door with the plaque ‘Petra Ral’ on it.

“She’s the owner of the adoption center; she sets up interviews for the child and parents, although she has someone else who helps her sometimes… so, are you ready?”

That’s a good question.

Am I ready?

Hey guys! I know this chapter is a bit shorter than usual, but I wanted to have an update for you guys, and I wanted to do a shout-out too!

Anyone that answers in the comments correctly where the characters from Rayna’s nightmare and this chapter are from will get a shout-out in the beginning of the next chapter!

I can’t wait to read the comments! See ya!

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