Keep Him Alive

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I was gazing through a floor length window. The night view of the NewYork city was dashing. A million thoughts passed through my mind but it all came to a stop when I recalled that bunny teeth again.

This guy I punched hard on his face earlier is really a weird one. And he is also a Chinese.

Suddenly I heard a knock on that door before it open. I looked over there. Philip appeared on that door. He is one of my assistant.

"Mr. Bo, The result is negative. There is no pen drive in his body." He informed.

I didn't reply. Just stared him impassively.

"Should we inform this to Mr. Victor ?" He asked.

"Hmm." I nodded and he nodded back before disappear.

I gazed back to the outside world. I took a deep breath.

'so that jerk should be alive until we get that pendrive.'

I honestly don't know what is in that pendrive but I owe Victor a lot so I should do this for him. After all I have done a so many bad things. Why would I hesitate this time?. This guy is the least important person to me. So hurting him won't be a hard thing for me. The only thing that bothering me is his inapropriate mouth. He is a shameless asshole. I really don't like the way he talk and I don't really like his gut. God I hate his gut.

Suddenly my phone rang. I didn't have to look at the display I knew it will definitely from Victor.

"Bo, I want that pendrive. I don't care if you have to kill that asshol for it. Just get me that fucking pendrive."

Victor's frustrated voice hit my ear.

He didn't wait for a reply. Maybe he knew that my answer will be a nodd. I walked out of that room. I need to deal with that jerk again.

"What are you gonna do next? Where are you dragging me to? You hadn't enough of my nakedness? Guys you are so desperate." I heard him continuesly complaining way before the door open. Philip and Matthew dragged him there. I was sitting on a chair and there was another chair placed in front of me.

"Do you think this is..." He stopped when he saw me there.

Fuck!!! There is that grin again. His two bunny tooth smiled at me.

"Aww You again.?" He asked and he was no longer dragged. That asshol walked towards me directly but his hands were locked on his back.

I just watched him. I hoped my coldness will shut his mouth but,

" Hey,,, you missed me already?" He grinned mischievously at me.

I couldn't help but give him my coldest stare.

"Sit." I said.

He looked at that chair in front of me. He turned to me again with a pout.

"Ey Yibo, how can I sit on that chair when my hands are locked like this?" He complained.

I looked at his arms. I considered it.

"Hey, how about you uncuffing me and then we can sit and talk ?" His bruised face brighten up with that smile again.

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