#76 Timeskip

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Timeskip no Jutsu 2 years

Naruto POV

I got up, smiling, as I looked next to me, at my girlfriend, who was still sleeping soundly in our bed. Still smiling, I rolled over, pinning Temari under me and effectively waking her up.

As she opened her eyes, she smiled back at me, before I leaned down to capture her lips in a kiss. The kiss quickly turned into a heated makeout session, with Temari flipping us over in the process.

"So, what do you wanna do today, before we have to go to Gaara's appointing ceremony?", Temari asked, after we had parted. "I do not know. I mean, we still have to go to our teams for our daily training, but other than that, I don't know. Maybe we could go to the spa for a bit. After all the party is only at sundown.", I replied, smiling up at the blonde girl.

"Yeah, you're right. What do you want to do for the training part. Both squads against us?", she asked, getting up from the bed, letting me sit up as well. "Well, I was thinking, that we would try to strengthen our teams coordination. So like you and your team against me and my team.", I offered, drawing a nod from the standing girl.

We changed into our battle gear and went out of the house, towards the training ground that we usually used for our team trainings.

When we got there, our teams were already waiting for us, sitting in the shadow of an earth wall that one of them had made, to block out the sun.

Realizing that we had arrived, the six figures jumped up and stood in line, with their masks on their faces and perfect form. "Good Morning, Shiro and Daiku.", Temari greeted them, using the official names of our teams. The six shinobi bowed in sync at us, without making a sound. "Alright, for today, we have a small match scheduled.", I started, noticing how the two Anbu with blonde hair, Shiji and Hiro shivered at the mention of a match. Without a doubt they thought about the first training match we had done, were the six of them tried to take on Temair and me. They were utterly defeated, partly because they had underestimated me and Temari, since we had just been appointed as their squad captains. The other four members of our teams kept their composure. "This match will be team Daiku against Team Shiro. Of course, that includes every member of the teams, so Temari will be with Team Shiro and I will be with Team Daiku.", I continued. I saw that Paira and the two blondes, let out a sigh of relief, hearing that it would be a team fight.

I smiled at the two teams, before I created two shadow clones. "They will watch the fight, so that I know, what we will have to train on the next few weeks.", I said. "Now get into positions. I want an all out battle. No killing or maiming of course.", I continued, while Shiji, Joaba and Korun went to Temari, and the four of them jumped away. My two clones jumped on top of the small earth wall, using it as a vantage point, to survey the match.

I looked over to team Shiro and gave Temari a wink and smile, before jumping away towards my team.

Paira, Hori and Gabu were already waiting for me, as I landed in front of them. "Alright team, you all know the drill, we will use the diamond formation, if they manage to break our formation, then we go and try to engage them in single combat. You all know, who you are most effective against. Let's go.", I instructed, earning a nod from the team. Jumping a bit forward, we took our formation, Paira in front, Hori a bit behind her to her left, me on the other side of Paira and Gabu in the back. Almost at the same time, Temari and her team jumped a bit towards us. Temari was in front, accompanied by Korun, while Shiji and Joaba were on the flanks. We looked up at my two clones, waiting for them to officially start the battle.

"Everyone ready? Then begin.", one of the two Naruto's exclaimed.

Immediately Temari started swinging her fan, creating a strong wind, that rushed towards us. Paira flashed through some hand seals, before slamming them on the ground, making another earth wall rise from the ground. The attack from Temari struck the wall, but didn't penetrate it. Hori and I went through a few hand signs and threw two large wind dragons over the wall, which crashed into the ground, where our enemies had been moments earlier.

I threw a kunai over the wall, equipped with a explosive tag, which created a second explosion, before we jumped over the wall to look if we had hit with our attacks.

As the smoke cleared, we saw that we had apparently hit at least two of our opponents, since two masks were lying on the ground with slightly burned edges. We also knew, that we didn't have severely wounded any of them, since my clones had not stepped in. They would have stepped in and at least brought the wounded away from the fighting area.

Suddenly we felt a large chakra spike and jumped away, avoiding the several earth spikes that crashed through the earth. I saw that my kunai was flung through the air and got caught by Shiji. I smiled and immediately flashed to my kunai, putting my kunai at the throat of Shiji, while I had my other hand with my sword at the throat of Temari.

Seeing this, my clones jumped down and ended the match. After they dispelled, we gathered around and sat down in a small circle. "Is everyone alright?", Temari asked, looking at Joaba and Korun, who were the two that had gotten caught in our initial attack.

"I think you all know, what the fault was today. You should never catch the weapon of an enemy, you never know, what they might have done with it.", I said, looking at Shiji, who nodded.

"Now, we all know, that whoever strikes first, has a higher chance of winning the fight. Of course that is especially true for most fights on our level. That is why, we will be doing some reaction time training and general fitness training next week. That way we improve our chances, even if we get ambushed, since we will be able to react faster and get out of the way quicker.", I explained.

"Alright, does anyone have anymore questions?", my girlfriend asked, receiving six shaking heads. "Ok, then we will meet tomorrow standard time.", she continued, while standing up. I smiled up at her and held out my hand, while our teams got up and shushined away. Temari took my hand and tried to pull me up, but I resisted and instead pulled her down, making her fall into my embrace. The blonde girl laughed before she pressed her lips against mine.

Smiling, I teleported us onto our bed, where we continued our little make out session.

"I can't believe it's been two years now.", I whispered, as we laid in bed, Temari with her head on my shoulder. "I can't believe it either.", came the reply from said girl.

"Come on, let's go take a bath, so that we are refreshed for the big ball tonight.", I said, sitting up and pulling my girlfriend up with me.

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