#75 Home Sweet Home

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Naruto POV

We had sealed everything into sealing scrolls and put them in our pockets. Smiling, we went downstairs to see Gaara and Anko standing in the living room, waiting for us.

"Well, I guess this is it. Have fun at your new home.", Gaara said smiling, as we went up and hugged him. "Ah, it's not like we are moving to another village.", I replied, chuckling.

"Don't get too loud now that your living alone.", Anko warned with a wink, causing Temari and me to blush. We hugged her too and then went out of the house, walking towards our future together.

We got to our new home and saw the headmaster standing in front of the property. "Ah welcome, Mr. Namikaze Uzumaki.", he greeted us as we walked up to him.

"We are done with everything. The house is cleaned up and ready for you to move in.", he continued, before presenting us with the keys.

We smiled as I took the keys, looking through them to find the one for the front door.

"Do you want me to give you a tour through the house?", the man asked.

"I think we will be good. Thank you.", Temari answered, while I was still sorting through the keys. The headmaster said his goodbyes and went on his way, leaving us alone on the huge property.

As luck wants it, the last pair of keys was the one that fit the lock on the front door and we went into our new home.

Walking through the entrance to the main house we were greeted by a hallway with bright, beige walls and a black tiled floor. There was a small shoe cabinet next to a clothing rack. We put our shoes away and went on. The hallway stretched almost the entire length of the building with the doors on each side and one on the far end. Between the doors stood small wooden cabinets, painted in the same dark brown like the doors and their frames.

Walking through the first door on the right we entered what seemed like a small storage room. It was full with shelves and on one side of the door stood a large fridge, quietly running. Nothing was on the shelves or in the fridge yet, but that was to be expected.

The door on the opposite side of the hallway lead us into a small guest bathroom, that had only a shower, a toilet and a sink. The walls and the floor of the two rooms were white with small shuriken patterns scattered over them.

We tried the faucet and the shower to see if the water was running and were happy to see that everything was properly working.

Going further through the hallway we reached another set of doors. The right one opened revealing a large kitchen, with another fridge. There was one difference in that this fridge was stocked with a few things and the cupboards that hung over the work surface, were filled with cutlery and stuff like that. The fridge only head basic ingredients, like eggs, milk and butter, but it would be more than enough for today.

Walking out we went through the next door, finding a room with a lot of weapons stands and even a small sharpening station in it. Looking through the different closets, we saw that they were just as empty as the weapon stands. In one corner there was a small desk with a bit of sealing paper and some sealing ink. I smiled as we went out of the room and walked again through the hallway, making our way to the last three doors.

The door on the right lead us into another small storage room, with just one cabinet and nothing else in it.

As we walked through the door on the left we were greeted by a dark blue carpet. We looked around and saw that this room apparently stretched all the way to the end of the house, since there was a window on the far side, facing our garden. This room obviously was the bedroom, since there was a giant bed right in front of us. The bed was held in dark red colours, with only the blankets and the pillows being a different colour, namely light blue.

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