I leave her room and station guards at her door. There is really no defined time limit for the change to happen. Sometimes it could be three hours or three days. Never has it been over a week and half though, which is why my father and I chose a two week time slot for those pesky rebels to come to the castle. I make my way to my bedroom and lounge on my bed. I will miss the feisty Caroline once she is turned. She was the only human or vampire that has ever stood up to me. Her strength is indeed a mystery. I have never seen someone so loyal to their cause or their family.

It's hard to admit that I am jealous of the love that she shares with her family. The girl agreed to be a blood slave just so her sister could go free. I had never planned on hurting Alison. I may be the Vampire Prince, but I would never condone harming innocent children. Human or not they are still children. When I first caught them I had to put my feelings aside when I drank from Alison. It needed to be done. I never planned on actually killing her though like I told Caroline. My father would kill me if he knew my weakness. He put me in charge of interrogating the humans who knew about the rebellion, but the more I did the more I have found myself struggling to be cruel to them.

I cannot let my father know this. If he did I would surely be executed for treason against the throne. I can never let him discover these feelings I am harboring on the inside. It gets so tiring putting on a show, but it must be done. I have a plan to take down my father. It has taken years to perfect everything. This matter of finding Caroline was the last piece I needed to fall into place. I knew she would have to be turned, but it still pains me to have to turn her into something she loathes. It was hard enough to make her be my blood slave. She of course has no idea of this plan. I am sure she only sees me as a horrible monster that lives to destroy humans. That is exactly what I need her to think for now. When the time is right I will tell her of my plan.

I reached over to my night stand where a bell was placed. I rang it three times. This meant I was hungry. About five minutes later I heard a timid knock on the door. I could tell by the scent from the other side of the door it was Elizabeth. I called for her to enter and made my way over to the table set up by the window. She carried a tray with a ridiculous amount of food on it for one person. Thankfully know one finds it odd in the kitchen though. They assume I just eat enough for two. That is not the case though. Elizabeth often eats with me when she is able.

She has been a servant of the throne since she was eight. She is now eighteen and has grown to be a beautiful young woman. I guess if I want to be honest with myself she is the reason for my change in heart about humans. She is so innocent and so full of life. Never once has she feared me. I remember the first time I saw her she was new to the castle. Her mother and father had been killed when they were first captured. The guards brought her back to the castle to become a maid. She was wondering the corridors dragging a stuffed teddy with her. The thing was obviously old. It was ragged and the arm was half torn off. There were tears falling from her face and I could hear some soft sniffles. I quietly walked up to her and asked her what was wrong.

"My momma and papa died." She whimpered out. Her sniffles became soft sobs now. I handed her my handkerchief from my pocket. It took her a few minutes to actually reach out and take it from me. She only took it once I kneeled down onto my knees in front of her. "T-the guards k-k-illed them righ-right in front of m-m-me." She stuttered out while falling into my arms. I was shocked at first, but finally closed my arms around her small shaking body. She soon cried herself to sleep in my arms. I stood up and gently carried her to the servant's chambers. I found out from the head maid, Jenny, that her name was Elizabeth and had only been here two days. She had a room to herself where I laid her in the bed. After I tucked her in I found Jenny again.

"You will make sure the girl is looked after. I do not want her wandering around the castle unaccompanied again. There are vampires here who wouldn't think twice about having her for a midnight snack." I snapped at Jenny.

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