Chapter Thirty Three 🙌🏽

Começar do início

Jungkook's mother was still a nasty homophobe.

The thigh boy reassured the older male that he understood, and they haven't talked since.

Upon arriving at the home, the two shivered as they walked up to the porch. The door swung open to reveal the black haired Kim Seokjin in all of his handsomeness.

"Yoonie! Jungkook! Good to see you. Whee and I have prepared so much food." He grinned. Yoongi presented a gummy smile as he hugged his hyung.

"Thanks for having us. "

Waddling inside, the two were met with a heavily pregnant Wheein who wore a simple burgundy sweater that highlighted her protruding tummy and black yoga pants.

"Hi guys. "She gave a soft smile. Yoongi squealed as he cupped her belly.

"You're so cute and pregnant. "He gushed. "I can't wait for the day where I can adopt a small baby. "

Jungkook stood from a distance and grinned softly. He loved seeing his darling happy. Walking up behind the small male, Jungkook snaked his arms around the tiny waist.

"I can't wait either, my love." He whispered into Yoongi's ear. The pale male shivered.

The doorbell rang again and in walked the Vmon couple. Taehyung instantly ran over and squeezed the tiny male in a tight hug.

"Oh Yoonie! I've missed you so." Yoongi awkwardly hugged him back. Truth be told, Yoongi had been avoiding him, and Taehyung didn't understand why. "Why haven't we hung out? We are still best friends, right?"

Yoongi decided now was not the time to reveal the information he acquired, and just nodded.

"I must have done something to upset you. "He mumbled to himself.

"Taehyung... let's talk later, yeah?"To which the silver haired male agreed. Namjoon soon came and collected his lover. Yoongi huffed and buried his tiny face into the toned chest of his boyfriend.

"Y'all have to talk, darling. I hate seeing y'all apart. If you managed to forgive me, you can forgive him. "

Yoongi whined. "I know. You just... you made it impossible to not forgive you. I love you a lot, and I didn't want to be mad at you. "

"Look at him though." Yoongi gazed over and saw Taehyung curled up under Namjoon with a sad look on his handsome face. "He's clearly upset that you don't to be around him, and he doesn't even know the reason. Taehyung tried to reason with me to tell you our history, but I was stubborn. He wanted to tell you. "

Yoongi pouted slightly. "I already told him we'll talk later. I'll explain why I've been ignoring him. "

Jungkook grinned and pressed a gentle kiss on the top of his lovers black fringe.

"That's my baby." He praised.

Yoongi blushed at the praise, and grabbed his hand. "Let's go interact with everyone. I think I heard my parents come in. "

The Yoonkook couple found everyone sitting in the living room, talking and just overall having fun.

"Oh. There they are. "Jin smiles towards us. My mother squealed as she ran towards me. The small male cheesed as Jade embraced her little baby.

"Mommy"A whisper came from Yoongi.

"Hi my little baby. "After releasing him, she embraced Jungkook in a tight embrace as well.

"I missed you as well, sweetheart. "Jungkook sighed in contempt at the motherly embrace, and tucked his chin on her shoulder.

Everyone noticed how he held on to her like she was going to break the moment he let go.

Delicious Thighs(YOONKOOK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora