Chapter 13 The Great Battle Of Ash

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I stand there shaking with fear, I could feel it in the pit of my stomach. My heart was racing, all my friends surrounding me. they trusteed me with there lives, to protect this world. We have to win, there is no option for failure.

Silence fills the air, seconds before everything will change. I take in a deep breath, closing my eyes. I hold my sword tighter and bring it up to my heart.

I open my eyes and raise my sword to the sky. "For The Aiseiri!"

Everyone else screams out along side me. raising there weapons and start running. We run straight towards Mortem, we all start using our magic. Amber shoots our fire but it has no effect on his armor. Kary fires arrows from her bow with wind surround them, but it dose nothing. Me Luke and Tarra all slash at him with our weapons, but they bounce off. Luke blasts out light from his sword and I shoot water at Mortem, and Tarra uses rocks to try and crush him, huge boulders ripped out of the earth.

Mortem stands there unfazed, he holds his hammers hilt in his hands with it resting against the ground. A deep unsettling chuckle can be heard from him.

"You all are so puny. Weak! You shall not learn from your mistakes, now feel my wrath!" Lord Mortem screams out.

Asimi, Aes, and Arurum stand at a distance, both helding to hold up Aes, who was still weak from his injuries, being imprisoned for such a long time.

"I have to go help them, there nowhere near strong enough." Aes says determined.

He stumbled out of there grip.

Aes has a determined look on his face.

Autumn looked worried.

Asimi placed her hands on both of their shoulders.

"I have to go look for help, Jira should be here at any moment with her army. You two take care of each other. I'll be worried for you, because I just only got you two back." Asimi tells them, tears in her eyes and her voice cracking.

She leans forward and kisses them both on their foreheads.

They both smile back at her.

Aes and Aurum lean in and give Asimi a group hug.

She lets go and turns around, then she flies off into the distance.

Aes holds his hand out into the air and summons his weapon on fornt of him, it has a fiery molten glow. He flexes his muscles and stretches.

"Ok now little brother, you stay back. If it looks bad you have to use the radiant light and the sword. I know Mortems power can't effect you. Your our only hope." Aes says smiling, he gently nudges Aurums shoulder.

Then he charges forward towards the battle.

Aurum stood there, alone and worried. He held on tightly to the radiant light sphere and the sword in his arms.

Across the battlefield, Asimi flew through the air, desperately looking for help. Fomorians were forming together by the thousands, crawling out of the deep trenches in the ground. She grew worried, her wings beat strongly and her speed picked up.

The Fomorians spotted her, growling and shrieking in anger. They raised there bows and shot arrows at her. They released catapults and sent huge burning boulders up into the sky. She quickly monuvered around, dodging them as best as she could. They also shot out magic attacks towards her.

She raised her hand and created a light shield around herself. She continued to fly through the dark smoke sky, until she saw something in the distance. Off on the hills to the east, a huge army forming.

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