Chapter 12 Trenches Through The Fires

Start from the beginning

"I should be the one who is sorry. I should be thanking you for all you have done for my siblings. I did not tell anyone of my struggles, and I did not dare try to find them on my own. Even when my soul was weak from my sacrifice for the barrier to protect this land."

Aurum placed his hand on her arm. "It is okay sister. I know you were afraid of the unknown. Raina is just trying to keep everyone's spirits up. We all deal with things differently."

"I am just worried for Aes. He has been down there in the darkness for far too long." Asimi said.

"I promise Asimi. We will get him back, and we will vanquish the dark lord and free this world from darkness for as long as we live on." I told her.

She looked at me and smiled. "Thank you."

Gouna walked up to us. "Make sure you all eat before you leave. You need your strength to fight."

We all sat down and finished eating our breakfast before we got ready to leave, grabbing our weapons and making sure our armor was on tight. We walked to the other edge of the forest. Fidi and Gouna came with us to say goodbye.

"Be safe out there." Fidi told us.

"We will." I nodded to her.

Gouna waved goodbye, then we went through the rocky passage. There were vines and moss growing on the rock walls. A thick mist appeared so there was no sunlight. The trees started to disappear. We continued to walk down the path.

"Man, this place is creepy." Kary stated.

"I don't think we're even close yet." Amber said.

"To think some place so dark and evil could be so close to the most innocent people." Tarra said to us.

"Why does everything have to hide in the fog, so you can never see anything coming." Luke said looking around.

"I do not think this is fog." Aurum stated.

"It's defiantly not mist either." I told them.

"It is smoke, it rises up from the trenches." Asimi told us.

"Now that's even more scary!" Kary cried out.

"Shhhh... Kary be quiet, you don't know what's sneaking around out here." Luke told her.

"Don't say that, you're gonna scare her even more." Tarra said.

"Too late." Kary said wide eyed.

I sighed and placed my hand over my face. "You guys..."

"Remind me, why did we bring children here in battle?" Aurum asked Asimi.

"Do not doubt them. They are the best warriors here in the land." Asimi told him.

Then something shuffled above us and caused small rocks to tumble down.

"Eeek!" Kary said jumping into Tarra.

"Ugh! Kary get off, you're heavy!" Tarra protested.

"Is it the Famorians?" Luke asked.

"Oh no..." Amber worried.

"Everyone calm down." I scolded them.

Aurum raised an eyebrow. "Best in the land?"

"You would have to see them in battle." Asimi stated.

"We will see." He answered.

The rocks cleared up around us into an opening as far as the eye could see in the thick smoke. We continued walking until we saw giant trenches cutting into the earth. We walked around them.

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