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Unknown POV


I was three again. My parents were helping me and my brother fall asleep. Then, the attack came. All of the dragons on our island flew up, but only a few made it up to the level of the clouds. My parents stayed in our cave watching it all unfold. 

After the initial shock, they told me and my brothers to run while they protected us and bought us time to escape. "Run until you find the king. He will protect you. Don't look back." My father told me.

We hesitated, but the look our father gave us made us nod.

My brothers and I ran as fast as we could. Then we ran into a man. He was tall and wore a black suit. He saw us and smiled. 

We backed away from him. Then I ran in the opposite direction, wanting to put as much distance between us as possible. I thought my brothers were following me, but when I looked back there was only Dusk. "Where are the others?" I asked him.

"They told me to run. To follow you." They were two years older than Dusk and I. They had promised my parents that they would protect Dusk and me. But, it still shocked me, that they would do this. That they would slow the man down.

"Let's go, before the evil man comes," I said, not wanting their sacrifice to be in vain.

We ran and ran away from the heat growing behind us when we got to a cliff we hesitated until we saw the fire right behind us. We jumped, and flew over the edge. We were almost clear of the destruction zone when arrows flew at us. One of them hit Dusk, with his final breaths he said, "Go Eclipse, find the king. Save our species."

As I watched him fall, I felt a profound loss, I shouted at him hoping my words would stop the inevitable from happening, "Nooooooo!!!!! Dusk!!!! Fly!!!"

*End of dream*

I woke up panting. That was the day I lost my whole family, all of my friends, and the last of my species. I still remembered it as clearly as if it were yesterday. But, it had happened 16 years ago.

"Eclipse are you okay?" It was Mist, a Light Fury. She was my best friend and her mom took me in when I first came here. To the home of the king, the one place I would be safe. 

"Yeah, just a bad dream."

"Was it about the Fury killer?"

"Yeah, it was when he k-killed my family?" I started to wail. My four brothers and my parents had died protecting me.

"Shhh. Shhh. It's okay. He can't harm you while you're here. You are safe."

Good old Mist, always helping me feel better. My tears stopped falling even if I was still sad. It would never be the same without them. 

We were both orphans now though. She had lost her parents 12 years ago to the Fury Killer. Her sister had died a year later. 

It was me and Mist against the world. And I don't think I would want it any other way.

Mist's POV

I hated seeing Eclipse in this state. It made me sad and mad. I still remembered the last time I'd seen my parents.


"You be good Mist and Trillium. We are just going on a scouting trip. We'll be back soon." My dad told us.

"Okay, da. Okay, ma. I love you." I told him.

"I love you too, mom and dad," Trillium said. Trillium was three years older than me. 

"Bye, I love you too." That was Eclipse. She had been in our family for two years. My mom and dad loved her as much as they loved Trillium and me.

"We love you all." My mom said and wrapped her wings around us. That protectiveness felt so good and that was the last time I'd ever feel it from her.

Two Scauldrons and, Oak, the Terrible Terror went with my parents. We waited with three baby Scauldrons for five hours when finally we saw Oak fly into the cave. 

We rushed to the opening hoping to see our parents directly behind him, but Oak was the only one to return he had many cuts. 

He told us and the King what had happened. He died soon after.

The six of us had cried. We were all orphans, now. We only had each other. The king took care of us helping us to survive each day. The other dragons taught us how to catch fish and helped us become better at flying. We slept with each other to keep warm at night.

We had each other.

Then almost a year later, Trillium had been out hunting with a Thuderdrum. The Thunderdrum returned with a slashed wing and was forever grounded after that. He told us that the Fury Killer had demolished the island they were on and killed my sister. 

With my sister dead it was me and Eclipse against the world. We had each other and we would never let go. I didn't want it any other way.

Sky's POV

Today was the sixteenth anniversary of the day I lost everything. My home, my family, my friends. Eclipse. Today I wasn't mourning just those who I had lost 16 years ago. I was mourning the loss of my soulmate. The one I had lost two days ago.

He was in the hands of the Fury Killer. He was likely dead. And I... I was in charge of everything. 

He left me to protect the dragons. To protect his friends. To protect his family. To protect Hiccup and myself. I was the Alpha and as soon as he returned, if he returned, I would give it back.

I didn't want it. Having this title meant that my soulmate was gone. I wanted him to have it.

Hiccup hadn't woken up yet. I knew he'd hate himself. He had left and Toothless had sacrificed himself to save his brother. 

I didn't blame Hiccup. I would never blame others. Hiccup was going crazy he had to visit her and we needed Berk. 

And if anything it was my fault. I helped him leave and Toothless left after him a week later. It was all my fault.

If we didn't unite with Berk in time all dragons would be wiped from the face of the Earth. 


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