12 ➵ The Yoga Challenge

Start from the beginning

I moved Kitten from my lap and replaced her with my laptop, opened YouTube and looked for YouTuber's first videos. Since Troye's friend Blessing had just started his channel I got some inspiration from it.

For a first video it was a nice thing to introduce myself, telling what I wanted to do on the channel and maybe tell some random facts about me, so I grabbed my notepad and scribbled everything down what I wanted to say.

After that being done I set up the camera and lights and all the other stuff.

Calum had teached me how to do it a week ago, I knew that I couldn't remember it all so I took notes, luckily. Without them I'd probably don't even know how to turn this thing on. 

"How do you even dress for a video?" I asked myself but soon noticed that it didn't really matter. I thought what I was wearing looked great so I just kept it on.

(I was wearing Calum's No Morals sweater but no one would notice, right?)

I finally sat down on the chair in front of the camera, my notes not laying far away from me. I've read them a couple times before I started recording and then I just sat there for a minute, not knowing what to say.

"Fuck, how should I even start this?

Hello everyone? 

No, absolutely not.

Just Hi guys maybe?

No, that sounds stupid.

"God, why can't I do anything right?"

Then I mumbled some other stuff, not caring that the camera was still recording. I had to cut and edit it later, anyways.

I tried to figure out how to greet the audience but all I really could come up with was Hello everyone, so I just sticked with it.

I cleared my throat and started talking again.

"Hello every-", but I got cut off by Kitten's small 'meow'. 

I sighed, "This will be way harder than I thought."

✧ ✧

I hated talking to big crowds but talking to a camera was so much weirder.

After almost three hours of filming I was done with the video. I still had to cut three hours of footage into a five or eight minute video and then edit it but before I would start doing that I decided to eat something.

I ended up making pizza, of course, then sat down in front of the iMac and imported the video to the computer.

"Now let's get this started," I said to myself and took a bite of a pizza slice, then started cutting.

It was so weird seeing me on the screen, talking about myself and I cringed at my awkwardness.

No way people would like to see my videos, I just really couldn't imagine that. 

It was always worth a try, though.

After hours and hours of me getting frustrated about doing everything wrong and almost giving up, I finally did it and finished editing. I watched the video once just to make sure it was okay and smiled to myself.

I was kind of proud. 

Recording the video was a pain in the ass and editing it was so much more worse but in the end I was satisfied with the result. 

Of course I wouldn't upload it until Calum came back, I wanted to wait.

I glanced at the clock and my eyes widened when I saw that it was already 10pm. Since I had to wake up early for work tomorrow I decided to change into some comfortable clothes and got into bed, Kitten following me.

I laid down and grabbed my phone, opening my messages.

[from: boyfriend 👬💗]

i miss you too kitten

can i call ?

I replied with 'yes' and a few minutes later he facetimed me.

"You look so cuddly, I wish I was lying next to you," he said and pouted.

"Stop, you pouting makes me want to kiss you but I can't and that makes me sad. A lot."

"No, please don't be sad. I don't like you being sad," he said so I smiled for Calum which made him smile.

"So how was your day?" I asked, then yawned because I was a little bit tired. 

Making a video was so exhausting.

"It was okay. I filmed a collab with Joe, Zoe and Alfie, then we went out for dinner. It was great but I missed you. I wish you could be here. What about your day?"

"I wish I was with you, too. I've never been to London. My day was boring, I was just watching some TV and playing games."

I decided not to tell him about the video, it should be a surprise.

"Why didn't you go out? You haven't met up with Isaac for a long time now," he said.

"It was raining today, can you believe that? Rain in Los Angeles, it was shocking. Isaac had to work. I also tried texting Luke but he didn't answer. I guess I'm not that important to him anymore," I told him and shrugged.

"Oh come on, don't say that. You're Luke's best friend and just because he's busy doesn't mean he doesn't care about you anymore. You should try calling him again and invite him over for the weekend. Have a sleepover, whatever."

"That sounds like a great idea."

My eyes were sowly closing.

"I really want to kiss you right now."

"I miss you a lot," I mumbled.

"I miss you, too. I'll let you sleep now, we're talking tomorrow?" he asked and I nodded.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"Whatever you say," I chuckled and hung up, then plugged my phone to the charger and cuddled myself into the sheets. 

I just wish Calum would be next to me,

I felt so empty without him.


Thoughts on Michael recording his first video?

If you liked it, leave votes and comments because that would make me so so happy!! 

❀ I hope to see all your beautiful faces next chapter ❀

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