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Spinel and violet entered the book store, Spinels eyes lit up with excitement seeming to forget her fears.
"All of these unread books!". She exclaimed,. A look of disapproval for her sudden out burst from a gem who sat in the front of the store,
This caused spinels to slink back making her anxious once more.

Violet hugged her.

"Here pick out any books you'd like , my treat" she smiled lovingly.

Spinel gawked at her statment and within minuets came back with enough books to fill her bookshelf at home, this will keep her occupied for well over a month the pink gem thought to herself.

Violet spoke to a larger gem , an amethyst who took the books to be delivered to the home. Violet wanted to keep Spinel out as long as possible, she knew spinel needed  this and she needed things to occupy her in her absence, she knew the heart shaped gems mind would fall deeper into depression without things to keep it busy, or someone to talk to and she couldn't bare to see it happen, so a day of fun planned and a buddy system was what she had cooked up to help her beautiful pink companion.

Spinel understood that violet wanted to do more with her and Didint want to disappoint her, so she went with it.

"How about lunch? I know a place"
Violet chimed

"Oh umm alright lead the way" Spinel spoke hesitation in her voice.

  Violet led Spinel to the heart of beach city the two talk enjoying eatch others company, so much so that Spinel haven't even noticed where they were. Spinel loved to listen to other talk or do things she found out after she met violet she explained how she was defective,ment for fighting but she couldn't bring herself to do such and was ment to be shatterd  , so she ran and hide on homeworld, after what seemed like forever she found out she could leave start a new life in earth without fearing the diamonds.

Spinel snapped away from her thoughts and continued to listen to  violet as she spoke, she spoke of a few friends she knew and about how she would have one come and check in on her every so often while she's gone.

Spinel nodded while so spoke, glad to know she cared.........

The pair of gems had taken their seats violet placed an order and Spinel sat as violet continued her conversation,

Spinel sat in her thoughts
    Violet was leaving soon she thought, she'd be alone, although she lived alone she had gotten used to violet always popping in for tea,movie nights or a pleasant conversation,
  What if she had another episode and she wasn't around to help...

Her mind raced and panic as she sunk deeper into the self mutilation known best as her mind she froze silently tears welling up in her eyes spilling over and down her cheeks.

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