death scene #2 (Braxton)

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Ring! The bell rang. Braxton sat in his assigned seat, staring upward at the teacher. Just staring and staring into the thick portal made of brick that separated itself from the outside world. The small part of their daily life: thing that they called a wall and was much more than simply keeping warmth. His English teacher walked into the classroom with the sound of her high heels clicking and clacking following her. She had short, born-red, curly hair that naturally fell to her shoulders and a stunning black dress that sparkled and shimmered at the end of it. She had beautiful cold blue eyes that could stare into your soul and it would be even worse than getting detention, which was not good. At the beginning of the school year, he looked at her as if she was a beauty, a gem even. But as of that moment, he looked at her with pure hate in his eyes. Because his English teacher, Mrs. Leeyung, was not a gem or a beauty when it came to one's personality; she was a monster. And of course, every kid would think of that as their teacher. Because why are they giving them so much homework and not letting them do things that they wanted. She was a monster because she knew exactly what he was and she was the same thing.

She lifted a stick of white chalk that she had on a shelf right next to her green chalkboard. She could let her powers out to flow because she knew that nobody was watching her as she did it, well, except Braxton. He watched her and predicted her every move, because with her, every move was going to be unexpected. And it wasn't like he could tell anybody. What was he going to say? "Hey, our teacher's a complete psychopath, oh, and did I mention that her and I have magical powers? We should totally watch to see what scary thing she torments us with next!" Exactly...

She started to talk. "Now. Does anybody else know why Braxton is upset?" his classmates' heads lifted with confused facial expressions. A lot of confused words were exchanged between one another. Braxton knew exactly what she was doing, but for some reason, he cried every time she did it. She was going to yell the hell out of him until his ears were practically bleeding and tears covered his face. But this time, it was different. Because this time, he was ready...

"Well, I do." Braxton said for the whole class to hear, hate shimmered in his eyes. "Maybe Braxton doesn't like Mrs. Leeyung! Maybe he might go as far to say that he absolutely hates her! Has she ever even dared to think about that? I think not."

She slapped a long ruler on his desk, as anger shown in her snake-like eyes.  "That's enough, Braxton!" She scolded in a very serious tone.  "I don't care if you do not like me, because I am a teacher.  I am your teacher.  I get paid for this job, not a very high payment is given to me, but I still get paid!  And I will not let a young, bony, normal-teenager-wannabe, stop me.  Do I make myself clear?  Because if I don't, I can surely try again!  Would you by chance want that?  Huh?"

Braxton stared at his teacher with a baffled face.  With the mouth that had no words to spit out.  It was obvious to him that she found this amusing.  She smiled and let out a laugh.  But not just any laugh, it was an evil laugh.  Like the ones that you hear in the magical fairy tale movies, and it usually comes from the antagonist.  Yeah...  Like those.

His lips quivered with the words that he wanted to say in his throat, but he just couldn't let them out of his mouth.  He had the word "betrayal" written multiple times on ever inch of his face.  He wanted to attack her, but that was a very stupid and odd thing to do.  Plus, everybody already thought (and possibly knew) that he was a freak.  A scary freak.  A magical freak.  A unique freak.  A normal-teenager-wannabe.  He tried to tell her everything that he was angry at her for, which were mostly the months of torture that he knew wouldn't go by any faster.  And the trauma.  Oh, the trauma.  It would scar his skin in all of the places that nobody else would ever think to look...

But... "I hate you." Were the only words that came out of Braxton's mouth in that moment.  Mrs. Leeyung picked up a telephone from her wall with a grip that made her even look angry.

"Braxton 147.  Get his ass.  Stat!" She angrily growled at the telephone before she quickly put it back where it had been before.  Braxton didn't know what the number after his name meant or who she was talking to, but he was too shocked to even focus on anything.  Suddenly, two man-looking figures in pink suits with pink air masks that covered their entire faces, walked into the classroom.  Mrs. Leeyung pointed at Braxton as the unknown people charged toward him.  They grabbed him by his arms and since these people were unusually tall, they lifted him above the ground!  He squirmed and squealed but sadly, he could not.  He did not want to use his powers, because it seemed unfair in Mrs. Leeyung's little torture game that she loved play with him, but he had no choice at this point.  

"Laisse-moi partir, maintenant!  Laisse-moi partir, maintenant!  Laisse-moi partir, maintenant!" he chanted.  Suddenly, the men fell onto their knees and started chanting the French spell that Braxton had just been chanting.  A red, forcefield made by nothing but magnetic force, was created around him and the people who had just tried to kidnap him.  The other students in class hid under desks, cried, and some even called them both names, but to them, it was only irrelevant background noise...  

He surrounded and felt bad; he knew how brainwashed these people really were.  "Why would you do this to those innocent people?  I bet they don't even get paid!" he said with a laugh.  "You don't know how much your words really matter, do you?  Well, they fucking brainwash people, in case you didn't know, but I'm sure that you did.  They brainwashed me.  For my whole middle and high school experience so far!  But I am not brainwashed anymore!  And neither are they." he said, pointing to the people behind him, still chanting the spell.

Braxton looked directly into Mrs. Leeyung's snake-like eyes as the corners of her mouth fell with a frown.  Because she knew that Braxton has won this battle, the battle that she had won many times before and was used to winning.  She looked back at the people who were still chanting the spell repeatedly.  She started to become very nervous as to what else the spell might cause.  Her body started to shake tremble and sweat dripped from her forehead before she wiped t off with her witch-like hand.  She pointed at the people who were still chanting.

"You win, Braxton.  Now, let them loose." she demanded, making a fist that only got tighter and tighter as she threatened him.  "If you do, the games will be done for today, the rest of the day.  If you fail to follow through with my orders, they will be far more brainwashed than they are now and would be anyway and the games will be a living hell tomorrow.  So, Braxton, what's it gonna be?"

Braxton took an anger-filled step toward Mrs. Leeyung.  "And why would I do that?  So that you can destroy these people again?  So you can scare and antagonize me until I graduate?  So you can destroy all of the hopes, dreams, and wishes that I have left?  Is that really want you want to do?"  

Mrs. Leeyung turned around, clouds forming around her entire body.  A smile formed on her face as the clouds turned from pink to purple to blue to black.  "I don't know, is it?  Is it?  Is it?  Is it?" her smile got bigger and bigger as she repeated these words.  Now, her smile was in the exact shape of a watermelon slice, her teeth were sharp as needles, and her tongue was now six inches long and dripping with slobber.

The clouds came closer and closer to Braxton until it was finally in front of his very eyes. He breathed in the smoke and began to feel drowsier and he began to close his 

Bark! Bark! Bark his dog screamed, probably wanting food or realizing that someone was at the front door.  He rubbed his eyelids and tried to fully wake up.  He turned on his phone and realized it was 11:34 a.m., meaning he was late for school.

To Be Continued... (and that title was a PRANK)

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