Relatable Rejection

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Grace and Noah walked down the halls together, hand in hand, and looking at each other in the corner of their eyes. They were officially a couple, and they were all about it.  The school was all about it too, especially her friends.  That's all they would talk about!

The bell rang loudly, screaming at them, telling them to get to class as soon as possible.  Noah said goodbye to Grace, leaving her a kiss on her forehead before he headed to his locker.  As Grace fumbled with her locker's combination lock, she felt a harsh breath doing from the back of her head, to her neck.  She turned around and was surprised to see Noah's friend, Lucas (or as everybody called him, Luke).  He was embarrassed when she looked back at him.  He was caught stalking...  He nervously smiled and shakily waved at her, as if stalking your friend's girlfriend was a casual thing to do.

He tried to come up with some lame excuse at the top of his head as he approached her, "Hey, Grace...  I-I'm sorry.  It just looked like you were having locker troubles and I wanted to help you ou-"

She cut him off and laughed.  "Okay, that's funny and all.  Now, tell me the real reason your stalking me, maniac."

Lucas sighed.  "Grace, I like you.  I know it might be too late, because I saw what happened with Noah and you, this morning, and all that, but could we at least be 'friends with benefits'?"  He said, thinking that there might be a chance.  A chance that maybe, maybe, they could be less but at least more than they currently were.

"No thanks, Dumb fuck." she said before heading to class, rudely slamming her locker in his face.  He headed to class as well, in complete shame.  He wanted someone that he couldn't have.  A very unfortunate situation, but it was true.  All of those movies and books about rejection...  He finally knew what it felt like.  He hung his head toward the floor in deep shame.  He looked at a large, white clock in the corner of the ceiling and realized that the bell was about to ring in about three minutes from then.  He fumbled and opened his locker, which was conveniently beside Grace's.

He got to class, and right when he sat down, the school bell rang loudly.  Everybody was sitting in their seats and he actually felt invisible.  Nobody had ever talked to him, unless they desperately needed something, and even then, he declined them once in a while, just to see what they would reply with.  He didn't really care, though.  He only really did it for his own entertainment.

To Be Continued...

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