Jailbirds Reunite

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Kiyomi and the twins still looked surprised as the employee told Bianca who the suspect was.

"We have reason to believe that the suspect is Jennifer Ashington."  Bianca recognized that name.  It was a name of another one of her employees.  She was always a bitch to Carlito.  She would call him names like "dumbass" or "fagget".  They think that she murdered him or he took his own life, then and there.

"Wow." Bianca said.  She hung up the phone.

"What happened?" Kiyomi asked, obviously concerned.  Bianca sat on the couch, true sorrow shone in her face as a fake tear rolled down her eye to her cheek.  She let out a soft sniffle as Kiyomi sat right next to her and rubbed her shoulder in a comforting manner.

"Honey," Kiyomi started, "no matter what happens, I'll always stick by your side.  We are in this fight together.  We have been through thick and thin and whoever says otherwise, well, they're wrong!  So very wrong!"  Bianca wrapped her arms around Kiyomi's body and began to cry on her shoulder.  Kiyomi cuddled Bianca safely in her gentle arms.  "It will be okay." Kiyomi said.

The twins climbed on the couch and cuddled along with them, until they all fell asleep, except for Bianca.  Suddenly, a notification sound came from Bianca's sell phone.  It was a text from an employee saying that she had to come to the Hotel immediately.  Bianca slipped her heels on and fixed her hair.  She then, left a note on the kitchen table saying that she had to go to her workplace, and that it was an emergency.  She left.  She got I her car and opened her garage, rode out of it, and shut it, once again.  She finally arrived at her workplace, where two men accompanied her, an unknown woman behind them.

Suddenly, she realized that the woman that was hiding behind those men, was no ordinary woman, not at all.  That was Maxine.  Maxine was Bianca's crazy ex girlfriend.  She was sent to prison for thieving and attempted murder of Kiyomi when they broke up, and she started dating Kiyomi.  Maxine looked quite the same.  The same skinny (but not to skinny) body, the same long, straight, ginger hair, the same cold blue eyes, and the same sickening smile.  She still had her prison orange outfit on.

She walked toward me with an evil look in her green eyes.  A curve in her body progressed as she walked her confident walk, until Bianca and Maxine were face to face.

"It's nice to see you again, girl." Maxine said, greeting her.

Bianca rolled her eyes.  Just when she thought her day couldn't get worse, Maxine shows up?!  I would be annoyed as well.  "I wish I could say the same for you, but I am not in the mood to lie to you."  Maxine crossed her arms.

"Well, then.  I guess I'll just get straight to the point of my little visit-"

"Please do." Bianca cut her off.  "I would just love to hear the dumb thing your ass would like to tell me today." she said, the sarcasm shown in her voice.

Maxine rolled her eyes.  "Anyway, as I was saying...  I want half of the Hotel."

Bianca raised an eyebrow in confusion.  "You're joking.  All of this talk about how you hate my Hotel and how you think it's 'tacky', and now you've just changed your mind?  Yeah, funny joke to start us off, but please get to the actually point, please."

She laughed.  "Bianca, I was not joking.  I actually want half of the Hotel, now that it has become much less 'tacky'."

"Well, I guess I'll just have to make it 'tacky' once again, huh, Maxine?" she said as she turned away from Maxine and walked away confidently, a grin shown on her red lips.  

"Guards!  What are you doing, just standing there?  Get her ass!" Maxine demanded.  The guards chased after her, but before they could catch her, she went in a nearby elevator, pressed the third floor button, and the door closed in front of their faces.

Once Bianca was in the elevator, she sat on the floor, in the corner of it.  Suddenly, she heard her ringtone from her phone ring and ring.  It was a call from Maxine.  She proudly answered it, fearing nothing.

"You fucking whore!  You can't just ditch me like that!  I will be back for you!  You better sleep with one eye open!  You won't get away with this!  Never!" she said, obviously angered.

Bianca laughed.  "Yeah, well, funny story: I have already gotten away with it, you blood sucking bitch!  Have fun, with your little sayings that used to scare me!  Make some new ones, by the way, it'll really make your strategy more affective.  Oh, and one more thing, I hope the other prisoners will want to hear your story, because I will be calling security, and they're gonna send your ass right back to where you belong.  Have fun!"  She said before hanging up.  From there, she called security and they handled it.

To Be Continued...

The "Secretism" DiseaseDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora