29 Numb

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Word Count: 1,683

Keith- Keith didn't feel good.

He felt off.

But maybe it was just him, or- or the mass of people that's come to comfort him after everything was set and done, after everything that's happened out there, in a universe he didn't even know existed, in a world that couldn't be seen.

That the whole universe didn't even know existed.

Maybe it was after they touched down the lions for the last time.

After Blue followed them to Earth, her cockpit empty, the lion's link severed.

After the biggest threat in the universe vanished.

After the entire span of realities broke down to- to a single strand-

Just one strand and then-

And then nothing at all.


And Lance, bright, talkative, optimistic Lance, disappeared, he stepped foot on Earth quieter than Keith had ever seen him before, expression drawn, eyes dull.

Keith didn't think that same teen he'd met all those years ago existed anymore, and-

It- it felt off.

All of it.

And he-

He felt off too.

Keith sat in his room, sunlight streaming through the windows, head blank, his thoughts scrambled, Cosmo sitting at his feet as he tried wrapping his head around what exactly happened all those weeks ago- trying to understand, what went wrong- what- what happened- how he was still standing here today without even a scratch on him- while everyone around him walked on, with no clue that their universe- their reality was snipped away from them with a single swipe-

All of life, just- gone for one moment, one quiznacking moment, everything everyone ever knew about life, about themselves-


Before it exploded back into life- everything back into the way it was, the earth spinning back to the way it was, not starting over but starting the same as it had been-

The same-

But- different-


Well, he- he didn't know because.

He never spoke this.

Never told Krolia the thoughts now taking residence in his head, and after days of not uttering a word, she took him to a local doctor on Garrison property.

The man had said he was in shock, that losing a friend to the final fight of the war was affecting him.

And it was.

Allura had shown him that he could accept himself, that he wasn't the monster he believed himself to be, that people could change, that people, people, beings like you and I could reset- completely change the universe we see in front of us, and we wouldn't even know it.

That they could take it away in the blink of an eye.

And restore it just as fast.

And no one would have a clue it happened.

But he knew it happened.

He was there.

But after all that-

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