That peaceful feeling he'd gotten only moments before was slowly draining from his system, being replaced with unease, and dread instead.

This was a bad idea.

This was a very bad idea, but-

Voices sounded not far off from where he was echoing off the brick walls.

-there was no backing out now.

Instead of rounding the next corner, Keith pressed against the wall, just inches away from the next stretch of hallway to listen, ears straining to grasp at what was being said, fists clenching and unclenching, the action itself sounding loud (too loud) in his ears.

"I can't wait to teach that good-for-nothing punk a lesson, he better show."

Keith's brows furrowed, he didn't recognize the voice. He'd know if they were a part of James's crew, it was hard to forget their taunts-


What was being said? What did that tell him?

It was a loner.

That was good.

There was less of a threat of it getting out.

"What if he doesn't show?" Another voice sounded, they sounded nervous, and Keith could easily imaging them wringing their hands in anticipation.

"He'll show. And if he doesn't, there'll be hell to pay-" the sound of cracking knuckles filled the air, making Keith flinch-

"-I'm gonna make that kid pay, do you know how many drills we've had to run just this week all because he won't fall in line like the rest of us?"

"Uh, I don't know, a lot?"

"Exactly, and it's not fair that Mr. Shirogane parades him around like the chosen one or something, he isn't special, not even close, he shouldn't even be here. It isn't fair we worked our butts off to get here and he just gets paraded in here without any resistance."

"What are you gonna do when he shows?"

More cracking knuckles- "I'm gonna teach him a lesson he'll never forget-"

Keith tensed, his clenching and unclenching fingers coming to a standstill as violet eyes widened in horror, the young voice mingling with something much older, an echoing, swirling recollection of a memory that bubbled unwanted against his consciousness-

"I'm gonna teach you a lesson you'll never forget, you ungrateful little brat." Fingers tore into his hair, making him yell, the smell of alcohol and rage invaded his senses as he was drug downstairs, the belt patiently waiting innocently on the table-

No, no, no, no.

No, he wasn't going to get hurt again-

He did what he was told, never gave any reason to get hurt, so why couldn't he just leave him alone?

Keith stumbled back, fingers trembling, struggling to breathe-

He- he needed to get out.

Out, out, out.

He ran, fists pumping, heart thudding in his chest as he turned and ran, cutting the next corner, just barely hitting the wall as the mantra repeated itself over and over in his head, each one louder than the last.

Leave him alone, leave him alone, LEAVE ME ALONE.

He- he didn't do anything wrong.

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